Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!


Please I don’t want clod this thread. :cry:

This is a good idea, but maybe try to limit the game to no more than 50% experienced players if possible, rather than using a time limit?

Also advertise the heck out of this on the Discord :+1:

I mean do we have 8 new players?

We will once this is properly advertised

@Marluxion get this up as a post on the Discord’s news channel (without pinging @everyone, of course)

Ummmm, he did that already, but he pinged @everyone


The other Discord


Ive technically played but Im still pretty new, wait nvm, Im still in

I’m newish! :smiley: My first game was June 18.

Does me playing 1 FoL only count as new?

If I don’t count then /spectate

This could be fun to watch tbh

You will still be able join after 48 hours but sure. /shrug

I’ve played dozens of FMs and SFOLs but I don’t think I’ve ever played an FOL or even the EFOL

unless someone proves me otherwise?

I know I played at least one CFOL. I think I was the NK that slipped on D2

oof I can feel your pain

yeah let livi and solic join

not gonna get 16 brand new players anyway

I think you played in FoL 14?

Not sure tho

I’ll check

Wait didn’t we massclaim and you just got screwed over by PoE?