Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

Vote captain please.

I would like to point out Solic claimed to be bleeding early today.

Also I think knights CSing Wolfy is a bad choice if we donā€™t lynch him. If he is town we we gain info from the lynch but would lose two players from a CS.

I still want to hear thoughts from WhatUp since thereā€™s a claim he is compatible with Livi but it doesnā€™t look like thatā€™s going to happen.

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Vote captain, nobles should bounty wolfy AND NOT STEP UP

And why do we want you to be king again? It feels like a mediocre trade at this point.

Why do you want to be king?

My class sucks tbh

FK playing for psycho king confirmed.


Then either A) He is town or Neutral or B) He is trying to lure out healers.

Mainly kinda curious as to this. thinks

Yeah I am back to just Wolfy.

hunter and CL both bleed during the day with this setup right?

There is no feedback so, you can never tell whether someone is actually bleeding or not.


i do agree with the point that captains been pretty much gone/inactive so might be EK but yeah donā€™t think making firekitten king is really much betterā€¦?? i kind of think putting solic up would give us the most information to go off of with regards to the possible alignment of a few others


/vote Solic

Ngl, I would be much more useful as king then my current class now, as well nobles can bounty wolfy therefore we have X2 the chance of lynching scum, as well we have the potential to get a EK out.

I donā€™t see any class that is not useful besides squire.

also cough lynching king and putting a random as king still is higher then the chance of a GK right now if I did my math correct

what are the odds for king starting out?

73% chance for GK with 15 players alive and 4 of them evil.

65% GK

also has whatupb posted at all? iā€™ve read through most of the posts but i havent been extremely thorough so maybe I missed it