Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

I can put redrabbit to trial but i am not sure if i should.

donā€™t yet

GamerPoke Captain and Wolfy = scum

Youā€™re welcome

yeah I was asleep
so you guys want a hard claim then?

Believe what you want

So this was my plan, because of Solicā€™s quote, I told no one to heal them so they would think no one was healing them. Then I was going to ask them if they were healed, and if they said no, they would be scum. But the plan was chopped

i am kind of scared to claim right now because of the low # of votes today

Why will you claim important bd or something ?

Well then i need to do now.You need to claim tho./vote redrabbit

i guess it doesnā€™t matter either way then
what I will say is that I am investigative and you can probably figure it out from there

oh king counts for 2 doesnt it I forget

well show your logs at least

you have 2 nightsā€™ worth

D1 - scout luxy
N1 - check gamerpoke NS
D2 - scout on livicus
N2 -check solic-NS
didnā€™t get a chance to move my scout

oh shoot youā€™re the sheriff


if captain is EK im probably gone right now

and itā€™s okay you can leave it on me

I keep thinking every spec/inv I find whoā€™s been passive is MM

BD pardon the sheriff

at least those of you who can vote

at least now you have my info on gamerpoke and solic

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thank you