Newbie Forum of Lies 1 - The Blue Dragon and Fool win!

We should still try and hear more from WhatUp before moving to trial. We get more info out of a Wolfy flip that way. Wolfy is claiming livi/whatup same faction.

quickedit: compatible win conditions

  1. Yes you were fishing me at start of day. Anyone can see it. You were adamant that I am a killer/unconvertible and actively started theorizing.

  2. I did theorize over the lack of kills and believed they went towards me and I have seen nothing to counter said theory.

  3. What if you’re town has as much weight to me as what if you’re MM? Those are possibilities but the evidence of your fishing indicates you had data on me yet never claimed it. The fact you are instantly went to “OMG Math is truth telling” versus gambit is telling. The fact when I call out your bullshit you switch to must be neutral is telling. You’re scum. And if you aren’t your fishing was so damn detrimental you learn not to do it again.

I am off to work.

Trial and EXE Wolfy please

Wolfy is dead scum walking

fine. /vote wolfy

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Wolfy MathBlade, Luxy, thiccbal, Firekitten, Judekat, overthebin 6/8
Solic bazingaboy 1/8
Bazingaboy Solic 1/8
Redrabbit overthebin 1/8
overthebin Captain :crown:, 2/8
WhatUpB omfgcookies 1/8

You would have died if you were attacked.

Negative effects include death. Pretty sure dying is bad.

And even if they don’t I still think I was shot at last night.

Hey what is the result for your day ability.

“Does not prevent death” Cw is a little weak but physican could of done it

nevermind about the death statement

Still pretty sure I was still attacked though

I haven’t checked anyone with my day ability yet.

You wouldn’t know if you was attacked, except when you’re dead.

I wouldn’t KNOW
But I can strongly suspect. I believe I was attacked.

Btw there is nothing you have said that stops you from being handmaiden.

Aside the fact that someone else can have been converted as well as me?

These are “what if’s” these aren’t reasons that you’re town.

And nice to know you claimed handmaiden. Converted as well as me.

My work here is done :slight_smile:

Later people.

Yeah, I claimed handmaiden(!) :roll_eyes:

I’m saying that someone else as well as me could have been converted since I’m not the only convertible person in the game after all

I don’t like how aggressive MathBlade is handling this at all. He’s clearly not familiar in the setup, yet continues to push matters that are anti-town like lynching a MM suspect.

We still have 20 or so hours plus trial leniency time. Why are you pushing this?

this isn’t a thing, that was moleland’s rule - trials dont extend the day

Nothing is stopping us from lynching him later. He’s not going to dissapear you know.