NewD3 - Mafia Chat

Roll a 1d3 for the column
Roll a 1d3 for the row


@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 1

So that’s A

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 1

So it’s A1

which would be Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker vs. Town Cop, Town Doctor, 5x Town Vanilla

So the town prs are from one of the three rolecop collum basically

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Can you explain what a town friendly neighbor does

Sidenote is A3 even winable lol

Masons are not masonizers

So, if KyoDaz was the town friendly neighbor and does

/target DatBird

DatBird would receive the feedback

“KyoDaz is a Town Friendly Neighbor!”


So their just an IC

Pretty much.

Town Friendly Neighbour is bad for us and it’s in 2 of our rolls, but I suppose it prevents a PR.

I would love one

Better than the other options

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Oof sorry I completely forgot I’m not supposed to talk about that kind of thing

Talk about what?

Love is a PR

I disagree in all actuality.

I don’t think a PR would want to bring attention onto themselves.

That’s why their doing what their doing