NewD3 - Mafia Chat

Up to you.

Who do you think should be roleblocked and killed?

Where we getting the roleblock from


Sorry, I’m tired. 2:32am here smh.

I’m not sure yet depends on who’s lynched

Looking like Shallow right now.

/Rolecop Venus

/kill LoveGame

Look good to you?

I’m assuming you’re assigning this to yourself?

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Yes, that’s why I did it.

Looks good to me


Your target is a Town Vanilla!

Boom I called love.

@Telephone who you thinking?

Venus might be a good kill so

/kill Venus

Venus is vanilla

And in the PoE lol

/Kill shallow

/rolecop Enigma

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Can we end night at a not stupid time please @KyoDaz

/Skip night