NewD3 - Spectator Chat

This was a joke btw it’s just lolwillage.
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Anyway, having fun using colours :^)

Someone change the title?

Do you want to know who mafia are targeting tonight (slight spoilers)

not the outed PR

Who is the outed PR?

Moderate Spoilers / Spews 2 Alignments

Applause is basically outed as Friendly Neighbor; but one of the mafia tried to submit a kill on someone who they rolecopped as Vanilla last night. The other mafia swapped it to… still not Applause.

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Applause is town?!?!?!? That’s gotta be the wolfiest towny I’ve ever seen by a Long shot. Smart decidion tbh, just CC them for literally the easiest mislynch ever.

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Fuck now I have to make a readlist that isn’t based on how much they are scumreading Replay/Applause. Or I could just assume Venus is a wolf for that blatant whiteknighting. Yeah, I think I’ll just do that.

What the actual hell is this.

At least we were correct on the setup?

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Instinct :wink:

Nevermind they’re killing Applause

I still have no clue how one of the two PR’s was literally the scummiest person in the game.

Me neither.

With this new found information; who do you think is mafia

Venus for TMI’ing them town.

I might reread after dinner.

Actually Venus has been TRing them very early on, no?
I’m curious as to why scum would do that if they are literally the easiest push imaginable.

I wouldn’t put it beyond them.

I’ll re-eval them of course.

Telephone scoom.

I’ve been letting them get away with too much wolfy shit because of who they are.

Who’s the second one.

Dunno, still looking.

Replay’s been really wolfy but Papparazzi was way wolfier and a villager.