NFoL 4 - Deadchat

Claim number 1

There we go.

Thatā€™s Grand Trial.

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Can we quote in here safely without anyone alive seeing said quote?
More of a site-question, but still

Yea you can.

they might see u typing for a second but as long as u post it here, ur fine

My plan is coming together. hehe.

Flavor skills cough

The King went for his classic high majesty sleep.

Immediately while sleeping, one of his knights went to staab someone but then a Drunk was Drunk and made him stab the King. The End.

Well thatā€™s a moderror, because Drunk canā€™t target king sigh.

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Ehhh that sucks, but now that I know a lot cant be brought back. :frowning:

And I was doing good as king too

eh but who cares no problemo

Thereā€™s no reason why a Drunk couldnā€™t target the king, except of a very old and very outdated list which is not even on this forum but in a discord. ^^ ā€¦ which is not a rules source for me.
As long as changes to ToL mechanics are not written down, Iā€™m gonna go with the ToL mechanics, since thatā€™s the origin and the intent of all the rules.
(And I canā€™t follow non-written stealth changes sinceā€¦ eh how should a host know about them)

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Oh people can see your alt on flip.


That + the merc basically ruins my plan


Where is this list, If so it should be written out on one of the threads for conveinace for future hosts

No. Burn the list :stuck_out_tongue:

We can write a new one tbh, the old one didnā€™t make much sense anyways.

Well like we need to keep the FOL category regulated for future hosts and to have rules the same between all games. So like idk whatā€™s wrong with the list or what but we can change things if they dont fit. Like the FOL changes thread is great the only problem is itā€™s so long. So having a designated forum page just for this list is a great change we should strive for. Plus we can put some of those weird interactions on there