NFoL 4 - Deadchat

Invests should get “target is king”
BD killers’ attacks should cancel if they get redirected

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Can we maybe not make changes for no reason, when there is no reason to change it? I mean, it’s not a balance thing. It’s basic rules.

This proposes a major game flaw in FoL.


Every change up to now has always has a reason.

chill a bit, my friend :heart:

I already did lmao.

No they shouldnt, the whole reason for a killers on town is to get rid of sus people, they shouldnt be outed and telling who they are killing thats where they lose in FOL. If they are a undercover killer guess what they wont get redirected most likely and will get their designated kill, but if they are outed why not let the evils punish that. Killing is a gamble and u gotta be careful and responsible when using so. If not u are just baby sitting bd killers

well jake is about to die.

why does he do this every game?

woah and we have hardclaim #2

Oh look hardclaim 3


Woop, woop. Can we get 12 claims d2? Only time will tell.

They already broke my guess of 2.
Lets keep this going

Random question.

Do healers know if they really did heal a bleeding person?

Also now i princeread kyo lmao.

Idk I just have that feeling

No. You can find all possible feedback here:

Zzzz I want to tunnel people. :upside_down_face:

I really hope I roll something that can self protect sometime, because dying early sucksss.

Yes, I’m aware I said “I cAn DeFiNiTeLY ProTecT MysElF”

Would you reveal how I died or is it hush until end of the game? :thinking:

Guess and Guess who did it.

But then I’d have to rereadddd… :confused:

It’s either a Neutral Killer or a rogue BD and I’m guessing Neutral killer.

I’d rather not out it here in the open, thx to avoiding breaches, but we can tell it to you privately if you want.