[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - Signup Thread

no jail immunity for sure but joy sure on occ immunity

not sure* words hard hard

What happens in a 1vs1 then? With Prince (no executes) against an evil with no day-kill abilities?
Evil auto wins or just a draw. (usually in ToL the evil would eventually gain jail immunity so they can kill Prince)

Also Pseudocide (Night) - Fake the death of one of your fellow Unseen, preventing them from dying and causing them to appear as selected BD class to investigations. - 2 uses

When happens when you fake a death? I don’t get it, or is it just a heal+tailor for Unseens.

Also there’s no feedback if you’re attacked? Like you were Healed from an attack, or your death was delayed kinda thing?
Drunk/Butler don’t receive Success/Fail feedback?
and Healers don’t recieve Dnr/Dnd/Unable/Success feedback?

It doesn’t say anywhere if does feedbacks exist or not. The feedback forum could be missing feedbacks it said.

Also the feedback:


“You have been linked by a Mystic and may talk freely for this night with (player)!”
Shouldn’t it be
“You have been linked by a Mystic/Illusionist and may talk freely for this night with (player)!”?

Because the first feedback feels like it will trick less attentive newbies to thinking Mystic is confirmed in Unseen game?

If they try to say it publicly, somebody will correct them. Unless there’s literally only wolves in-thread, in which case: lol

no but you can’t see inside only outside

Royal blood is on the classcard if they have it and it does not transfer through Mastermind/Assassin for instance.


This is a great instance of asking your hosts what the rules are and not other players, because they might not know, remember old rules or deceive you on purpose if they are evil.

Answered then.

Heal plus tailor plus confusing flavor wording. :upside_down_face:

If the feedback is not in the feedback guide. It’s not feedback that BD players can receive. That list is exhaustive, so you’re correct on all of those.

Noted and I’ll fix it. :+1:




Welcome! :slight_smile:

Are you allowed to talk in-thread during the 12-hour period?





Hey, watch where you walk.

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We need 4 more.

Now comes the choosing



I will try to figure this out over the next hour.

don’t choose me, I can’t post actively til next week.

I mindread you and didn’t include you in the cut.
Reasoning I had down was “Ici’s timezone means that for the most part he’ll be inactive”

This is the playerlist. If any newbies come in last second to join, I’ll move out one of the vets to backup and we’ll go from there
Don’t read into why I made the choices I did.
You will only bare witness to a tide of confusion that is my dartboard strats


It is their destiny to shepard the lambs.

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