[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

We are not doing very good. There are traitors among us and they have killed the royal messenger.

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oh no. That’s terrible.


James is a pretty traitorous name. Like Team Rocket.


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Are we in agreement that:
Knight/Hunter are always Assasin
Sheriffs/Maid/Princess are always Mastermind
Paladins/Maid are always Cult Leaders
It was a dear quote by a good old big brother Prince has he proceeds to behead the I the obviously evil heathen Sheriff.

I’ve only played 1 game of mafia, and it was has a town miller. I didn’t live very long (I died from the D1 lynch)

The way I play in ToL:
I determine evils by mechanical confirm via claims and probabilities. Like these people are confirmed not OG evil, so this means X/Y/Z one of them is probably evil. Let’s starting hunting one of them.

Am wondering how much of my ToL experience applies in FoL

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Let’s combine both. FM experience and ToL knowledge. Then we will succeed.

Hard claiming for no reason/ with a little bit of pressure is seldom a good look here, you’re going to have to read things such as tone (how a person feels when you read them) logic and sometimes differences to how they play town/evils to catch them.

aw. We can’t lynch day 1. That’s boring.


Quite a lot of crossover, there is a stage where mechanics are a necessary part of closing the game but also applying a more social based approach

Aims at Marcus
Back into your cage!



Note to all newbies: please don’t use the default avatar. :slight_smile:

Back to lurker mode

so what is the difference between unseen and cult?


They are both scum types that play differently.

In this game there will be one or the other.

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sulit’s cool so far

I think she’s a blue dragon


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The Unseen is more based with kills and the Cult is more based with conversions.

Both are two different wolf factions where only one may appear per match.

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cool, thank you

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cult games have always been more confusing for me, higher numbers of evils mean more deception, plus more fakeclaiming

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You think Cult games are confusing in ToL?

Hoo buddy you’ll be in for a treat if they’ve spawned here

Don’t make the children afraid ;^)