[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Seriously speaking, this discussion is too much narrowed on one path for it to be done it naturaly.
Like you are talking only about Unseen, even tho it could be Cult, it could be NK kill etc.

Either some invest knows something and narrowed it down for us quietly to help or some scum, knowing what really happened, unwillingly pushed discussion in that direction.

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You effectively posted this after I made my observation that a Vet killed Math, did you not?

This means that it’s important to execute either the NK or the Mastermind.

The MM would have been replaced with the Assassin in this case.

Why would it be more important to lynch the MM rather than the Assassin?

There’s a long theory behind it.
What has that to do with a vet being the killer?

Because Math being a SPK is something only the veterans would know, so there must be a Veteran in the MM/Assassin/NK.

Sigh. Abbrevations.


When newbie remembers abbrevations you forgot.

SPK - Strong Player Kill.

In short, a veteran killed Math because they know Math is a strong player.

Was it you?

I’m wondering if it’s time to paint a picture.

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No, that’s what I fucking am trying to solve here while you’re just shadethrowing around like an idiot.

Namecalling, my dear. Try to not do that.

Then start actually playing the game for once.

Okay this really feels over the top. What’s going on with you?

I do agree that you’re throwing a lot of shade around and aren’t following through with your reads. I could probably go back and quote all of it but it’d just be a waste of my time because you’d end up side stepping it.

In my mind, shading is picking up a bunch of people, calling them out, and then doing nothing.


Because having people sign up and then not play the game frustrates me to no end.

I can excuse some newbies, but you’re a vet and you should know how to play this game.

Only because I’m not new doesn’t mean I’m good. For real, can you stop that.

Probably more experienced though?
You can be experienced and know how to play but not catch scum all the time

/vote gikkle