[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Reminds me of another D1 scenario. Two power players butting heads over a silly thing, both of them were village.

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You surely didn’t say that earlier. Entertain us please with a read of me, when you can.

yes i did let me find it

You do know how to ISO your posts here?

see i did respond and i said you didnt look good. That was my read on you

sulit makes sense, what if they are both of the same faction, bd or evil. if they are both evil they could be butting heads to silence other discussion.

not pointing any fingers, just throwing some weird possibilities out there

no this is my first game on this website

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to be determined

I wasn’t trying to dominate this discussion, and I’d like to go back to lurking now and let others have a bit of thread presence too, I just got tunneled and had to defend me.

two evils duking it out is an interesting idea, tell me more

perfectly reasonable, was just trying to inject some fresh ideas

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I’m on mobile right now

there isnt much content but right now I’m liking math sulit and themassa or whoever. Havent seen much from anyone else.
I dont like priestess right now

Can you determine why?

well like i said there isn’t much, but it’s mostly how your read on me hasnt shown progression. Someone else already said that and I want to say i agree with them.

You haven’t read the whole thread yet, right?

i have

Then why does your read have not shown progress?
I have definitely said quite a lot of questionable things.

because the way you read me has been flipping around. like you had me as cultist and then you said i had to be unseen. those are two different things. I meant that the read you had on me hadn’t shown progression because of how much it changed.