[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Hmm, I did read that Math’s regarded as one of the stronger players here for some reason, so I assume that there is a wolf in either the NK or the scum faction. I’ll ISO him to see if anything comes up.

I assume there’s at least two probably three wolves in the scum faction today :^)

Probably not going to follow you in thinking there’s an unseen vet just because math died. It’s definitely a possibility, but I can see a newbie trying to get rid of vets as well.

Thank you, smart-alec.

I was half asleep and I meant a Vet rather than wolf.

The key aspect here is that Math in particular was targeted. He is known as one of the best players on this forums alongside Firekitten and Alice, so the fact that he was prioritized over the other vets point to the fact that a player in the starting wolf team or the NK are familiar with the forum


So in short, Math’s killer is probably within Frostwolf103, Eevee, Marcus_Doodalee, BlueStorm, or Priestess.

Out of these he TR’d Frost’s slot, so I don’t think he would have killed Math in the first place, but he also SR’d Priestess.

In between her terrible d1, that comment over a red-check, and the night kill, I really want to zoom in on her today.

/vote Priestess

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I have my own personal indirect lead on gikkle, that combined with the strange behaviour earns my vote.

/vote Gikkle

And what is the follow up if we’re focusing on the killer?

If it’s NK then good riddance for them however when it comes on Unseen. the first convert will be new Assassin.

Two birds with one stone is more effective, should we rather focus on lynching the MM or convert instead?

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dym pointing out said strange behavior

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I’ve never played a recruiting game, any tips on convert-hunting?

I wouldn’t worry too much about differentiation between scum save for analysing night kills, it’s just long and complicated and not worth it until the two main scum have flipped.

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well it’s just a little unusual to me, that’s all. and it just seems a little weird that you gave him townlean d1 and jump to his defense d2. again i won’t point any fingers yet but i have my own suspicions.

Asked what you classified as gikkles strange behavior, not mine. I have reasoning for my townlean, it’s not random, and I don’t really see what the issue is.

When I presented my question, this was my train of thought. I personally find it to be a bad push on Gikkle with the basis rooted in fallacy. Scum piggybacking another scum would be crippling if one were found out.

I won’t dismiss the idea that one of two can be, but I can’t reasonably believe both are if they had strong associations with each other. I’m looking for something else in their interactions personally.

It is mostly common that N1 convert is a success however there may be cases where it failed:

Attempting to convert those who are immune to this feature such as all neutral-aligned classes, Prince, Swear Fealty by Good King or some classes can bypasses such immunities by roleblock or occupation we call them.

Right, confidence is good.

Just keep in mind that when we’re looking at the class list that a convert is still once a member of Blue Dragon so this slot is occupied leaving less space for evil to claim. Claimspace in short and is in common with Process of Elimination.

The way I see last night however, is that MathBlade might be attacked by two killers?

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Problem is both of you seem to be immediately gravitating towards each other.
Anyways, that is not the main reason I am voting Gikkle, I have my own partial lead which I intend to follow up on by hearing Gikkle’s logs and night actions.

Might be the case, it I find it unlikely that both killing slots aren’t vets probably shouldn’t be making this assumptions. He wasn’t a huge poster yesterday, can’t see both going after him. Maybe someone roleblocked or protected correctly?


Which is good news for not thinning out uninformed majority first night with two kills instead of one, but this leaves room for evil to lurk a while longer.

Not to mention going after jailed person or there is one NK called The Possessor who can control a person to attack.

However it is not confirmed that we got Possessor’s game yet.

Accused Voters Votes
Gikkle What, Marcus_Doodalee, Cheeki 3/8
Priestess MrEevee7, Thamasa 2/8
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