[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Sorry, you are right. I’m just angry right now.

Ok here’s simple logic with sulit on why we shouldn’t be lynching Gikkle today

if he was CL or MM, he either would have recruited me or LT, since I was already thinking he was town, and LT seems competent and is one of the top posters, and he townread them EOD. I’m not recruited, and I don’t think LT is so
if he was neutral his play would be different than what it is now, his tone reminds me of his town games and since I generally agree with his though process I think we’re the same alignment. Keep in mind I’ve played with gikkle before.

oh what why did it do the quote thing

What? This isn’t personal. I’m pointing out that Priestess has high wolf equity due to her non-stop shadethrowing and how she’s not bothering to solve the match by sorting other slots nor pushing her wolfreads. This isn’t exactly behavior you see from villagers and that’s why I want her lynched today unless any further information comes out.

Let’s paint last night.

Hi, my name is eevee and I occupied Frostwolf last night.
Let’s analyse it.

Frostwolf had one big fallacy in today’s posts - pushing for hunting for CONVERT, which assuming he is evil means that there is no convert to begin it from last night.

So let’s analyse few different paintings:

Frost is CL

Being occupied as CL would mean that there is no convert indeed. It would also explain only one kill on n1.
The problem is, it means that Math kill was either lucky newbie or another person, NK is a strong player.

Frost is assassin

That way we have lack of one death explained, as well as knowledge(?) about unseen missing a convert.
But that would mean another strong player, likely VET, possibly Math (since this scenario NK killed Math) was targeted for convert. And that person is either convert immune, protected or… dead.
That also means that another experienced player killed Math.

Experienced player convert immune and experienced player killed Math? :thinking:

Frost is MM

Would explain kill on Math, wouldn’t explain lack of one kill.
Means that if he directed kill on Math, he would likely convert experienced player as well, so no convert means that experienced player is convert immune / protected.

In this scenario it needs reevalution if we want to pursue convert immunity tommorow, since it could be prince or strong player being protected.

Frost is NK

Explains lack of kill, makes no sense why he wants to hunt only for converts. Doesn’t explain kill on Math, so there might be still one experienced player in the anti-town faction.

If I was to say which painting I like most… is the assassin one. Explains pretty much everything and gives us clear direction where to search NK.

If I was to say which is most likely… CL or MM works best. Simply becouse it’s MM who is most likely about redirecting town efforts into searching something which doesn’t exist yet.
Assassin would be more bothered to hide from suspicions of killing Math, not about pointing in wrong direction.
NK makes no sense mentality-wise. NK wants all people dead, not just converts.

Now, that’s my paintings. 4 of them.
Remember Frost might be just town who was occupied at wrong time and there might be tens of other reasons for no kill.
Tho I dislike his posts and fallacy enough to be worth bringing attention to him.

eevee the master painter.


hey i’m just saying it seems like there’s been a fair amount of personal jabs at each other. the aggression between you two makes me think at least one of you is cult/unseen

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Either one of us is evil, or she’s just trying to take revenge on me. Idk really on this point.

i’m gonna unvote gikkle and start thinking if i should vote frost

Why are you making this shit personal?

Can you stop argueing and appreciate the art?


you have been promoted to BD class

Would it help rn to know who was jailed?

yeah that would be a good thing to know

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One, I haven’t being notified about being occupied

Two, I actually redirected you to Mathblade, makes you more possible being Assassin than anything else.

Hmm, however Math did TR Frost’s slot. In the case Frost is a wolf I don’t think he’s the one whom the kill on Math came from.

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well you redirecting him to mathblade seems new. seems major too

You redirected a Butler o.O what?

And the reason why I want to focus on reading at potential convert so I can use Eevee to kill Convert.

I don’t believe his claim

i think frost is evil

ok this sounds really evil/strange to me

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