[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Would it be a stretch to say that maybe Diggity is the Neutral Killer who say “drunk deb” and immediately latched onto it?

To be honest, I wanted the same my first game, I didnt really understand the importance of it

K, so trying to figure out the death toll, but bear with me because these classes and abilities are different from ToL:
Cult Leader = 2 Kills with Blood of Mithras
Demon = 1 Kill with Funeral Pyre (+X with Haemophilia)
Licht = 3 Kills with Death’s Curtains (Including Phylactery)
Possessor = 1 Kill [I think this one is very unlikely]
Reaper = 1 Kill [same as above]
Scorned = 0 Kills, but uses Disguise
Sorcerer = 1 Kill with Magic Missile or 1 Kill with Detonate
Warlock = Cause all kills to bypass immunity with Carnage
Assassin = 2 Kills with 2-for-1 or 1 Kill with Assassinate (The latter I think is unlikely)

Let me know if I missed anything or made a mistake.

I think this is more likely a Cult game, but I don’t want to rule out Unseen until we have definitive proof. This is a deception game afterall.

Their hasnt been any kind of CC, I think Warlock at worst

Well, then again people haven’t been paying attention, and everyone is pretty anti-claim ATM

Jake is saying that Diggity read the explanation and thought “oh here’s my out, I’ll just claim Drunk”

Yeah, its def possible, but im not scum reading him as much as some other people though

@JakeTheWolfie Why Neutral Killer of all things? Is it because he isnt your fellow Cultist?

Warlock is like SS right? Not a NK but against BD

Yeah WL has the same wincon as SS.

Then I doubt he is anything but drunk or warlock atm.

If it’s Unseen game, then Marshal has to have been a false flip, which would mean Possessor.
You’re right on what the killcount from Death’s Curtains would be, but it also kills a Phylactery Holder when Lich uses that and none of our dead flipped as Phylactery Holder, so that’s off the table.
Scorned Disguise still only works on day executions in FoL, so that’s not relevant to what’s happened N1 here.
And Blood of Mithras would only have gotten one kill N1 (it doesn’t sac the Cultist on first use).

A Neutral Killer is the first thing I thought of, mainly because if there’s 1-2 scum, they wouldn’t be the CL, and their vet CL would tell them to… not do that.

The best explanation for our kills N1 is Knight CS redirected to King, Acolyte using Mark to take out Solic, and NK going after Marshal buying the Prince softclaim. And given that Derps claims to have been guarding Marshal N1, working with that Merc claim pins down our NK as Demon since Haemophilia and Funeral Pyre is the only way for the kill to have bypassed Merc guard.

And Diggity is the only claim for the redirect on Knight, so that’s likely not scum faking it unless the scum is redirect-capable (which would only mean Warlock, even if Diggity got converted they would still have been Drunk N1).

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I also dont see cult converting a silent, null read player

I dont see Diggity being Warlock here… It would be better for him to claim the Debauch as a Fool

Im still a bit skeptical of whether we should believe Derp, but his reluctance to reveal his second target makes the most sense here

I mean unless you just dont think im merc why would I lie at this point

I think that if they were a fool, they wouldn’t have seen their wincon and are thus actively trying to get themselves lynched.