[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

:eyes: . Italy what do you think about the stuff that has gone down D2 so far? Do you get any vibes/reads from anyone?

I think that we shouldn’t be stabbing eachother, because murder is wrong.

Not a terribly constructive read, mate. Got anything better for us? You had a fairly long block of silence from what I see, and you said you were going to be reading back then, so I would expect that you have some input.

I’m not very confident on that anymore. After pressure has come off of him he’s stopped contributing.
However the prior reason was that his reaction to being pushed was good and I see no incriminating posts so far from d1.

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Honestly, I think jake is scum. He’s purely inactive, and I doubt he isn’t reading any of this. When asked for anything, he goes dead silent and then just vanishes.

I agree with you there… so if you had to select someone to lynch right now, who would be your top 3 candidates?

Hja, Italy and OzzKozz currently are the people who I wouldn’t mind see executed.

My top three would be (in descending order) Hja, Ozz and Jake. Hja feels all kinds of scummy to me because they ought to know enough to not be this dodgy; Ozz started questioning conclusions that we had accepted for a while; and Jake’s just been giving us weak deflections whenever he gets asked to contribute. That being said, I do feel like Jake is the most likely of the three to be town, which is why I have him last, and Italy seems quite keen to push on it.

Oh and Jake as well. I forgot to mention Jake. Jake has slightly more lynch potential than Ozzkozz but I’d rank them the same.

In summary, I think that a lynch on Hja or Ozz is likely to yield us scum.

H_Hja isn’t likely to be Tanny’s bleeder.

Ozz/Jake/Italy are.

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I doubt OzzKozz would opt to talk when he did when Tangeld was bled.
I feel as though Italy waited for Hja to talk before they did.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, but i’ve been watching youtube and occasionally checking what has been going on here

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What an… interesting defence.
So the reason you couldn’t have bled Tangeld is because… you were watching Youtube.

That’s not my defense. I’m saying I wasn’t waiting for anyone. I’ve been watching videos.

Ah, so it was supposed to be your defence for not waiting on anyone. Hmm. I see.

Both Italy and Ozz have been liking pushes on Hja so far today, and trying to leverage the fact that What’s logs have them as CSing Hja despite our conclusion that What was almost certainly redirected into King. That could be ScumvScum after they saw what happened to Marshal and started to want NK out.

I haven’t even said it could’ve been hja since the start of the day, where I said what might’ve hit hja and had them come up death immune. Might’ve. I dropped that a good while ago.

Fair. Ozz, meanwhile, straight up said that we were putting too much faith into the redirect idea when trying to push Hja as death immune well after we’d called that as a redirect.

So, Italy, got any reads for us? You’ve been rather quiet today.