[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Honestly, I don’t trust derp. He gives away his targets, they both mysteriously die. Then he says he lied about his targets. We just have to take his word for that, and believe that he wasn’t fake claiming or anything. I don’t really think he’s PK or anything, but it really feels like he isn’t merc.

Offtopic but…

This sets a scene in my mind; cozy cottage with a community huddled around the fire asking eachother what their favourite books to read over the winter are.

I agree. He’s wanting quickhammers left right and centre. I don’t think he’ll be allied with BD for long if ever.

I don’t think the deaths of either Solic or What were terribly mysterious, mate. Solic looks like a Mark from Acolyte since they straight up claimed that they would be visiting What and told Merc not to guard them. What, meanwhile, fell victim to a newbie Drunk play.

In regards to this, Derps is probably wanting to end the game quickly so as to minimize risk to his target, which makes sense from his perspective, but that does have a nasty tendency to translate to anti-BD behavior when one starts going for the quickhammer.

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It’s less about this, more that I don’t trust that he was a merc. He lied about his ‘targets’, and now expects us to take his word on that.

Good morning

It’s 12:30 here, so technically true.

Ill give a quick update on my scumread even if it goes with the rest of town
Jake, disappeared when there wasnt pressure
Ozz, contradicting theories most town think are correct tho this might be a newb thing
H_hja, for being surprisingly inactive and spending most of his time on petty arguments

Jake only became active when he knew “Okay if I don’t get suspicion off me, i’m 100% going to be killed” and was incredibly inactive D1 and before + after people were pushing for his claim. He’s vanished, again, and probably doesn’t intend to appear again unless we push on him again. 90% sure he didn’t even claim.

I’m just trying to cover all our bases. I don’t want us to miss anything. I’m down for the redirect idea on H_Hja/What, but I just wanted us to be sure about it before moving on. I’d also rather have us not exe anyone today than to see bd die.

I agree that JakeTheWolfie is acting scummy. I fought to give them more time to come up with reads and input for us and they basically poo poo’d on that.

It makes me sad that the people I feel like I’ve been have the best speculative chats with think that I’d be a good lynching today. I wasn’t trying to disagree with you all (except maybe Cheeki), but I was trying to cover all possible angles. I guess some people don’t think I’m helpful.


I answered all questions?

What game are you comparing my activity to?

I think we should push on jake again and then hang him if he takes too long. Mostly just an experiment, but I don’t trust jake one bit.

Townies make contradictions too…

Scum tend to know something they shouldnt (TMI), not make natural progress in their thoughts, inconsistent behavior, and lack of scumreading (sometimes)

I don’t actually wanna quick hammer anyone, I’m just applying a bit of pressure (or trying to at the very least)

for me, the lynch today is either Jake or Hja, depending on who we think is the more viable lynch

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
JakeTheWolfie 2/7 Cheeki, Diggity69
H_Hja 4/7 Napoleon, Teleology, :crown: SirDerpsAlot
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How about hja and jake give us a full read list

Jake isn’t going to be talking until we give him a reason to talk, like the threat of execution.

Why I already explained why all reasoning on me being scum is false? I don’t get this