[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I refuse to belive a vet would not know this

Why would day bleed not be able to target king

It looks to me like King’s trying to push you up to stop you from bleeding him. This is kind of scummy from King, I’m really liking the idea of bleeding them now.

Look in the class cards. It does not have the king symbol.

King symbols were added after this started

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
JakeTheWolfie 3/7 Cheeki, Diggity69, Ozzkozz
H_Hja 4/7 Napoleon, Teleology, :crown: SirDerpsAlot

Okay, not gonna lie, I thought Kape was coming in to yell at somebody.

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I forgot about cheeki

All I know is according to class cards, a hunter can not bleed a king.

Cheeki is also a possible evil

I can’t bleed king

Sog or cheeki

Or italy

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. You have compromised the integrity of my test. And he seemed right on the verge of going for it as well…

I think the fact that he was going to is enough for me, but /shrug

Kape says they dont think they used to be able to anyways

Why did I think that there was some sort of ability Acolyte had that killed someone if their convert failed?
I thought they went for Solic being Devout and converting Solic against Swear Faulty, but in the event that they failed they’d learn whether King was good or not when they tried to convert him?

based on what just happened, Hja is almost confirmed scum imo. As a vet I think they would have know that. I think this is our CL or NK

with the added fact that they have been pretty passive.

Kyo, you’re thinking of Sacrilege, which is a Cult alt for Archer. If CL fails conversion or uses Blood of Mithras, Acolyte with Sacrilege kills the target, not counting as a visit. But Marshal was specced with Hunter alts, so that wasn’t an option.