[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

looking through i dunno between cheeki and italy, i dont see a reason to scumread one more over the other.

We have 5 hours though, we need to make a decision soon.

it’s 4 o clock here, not sure what it is in america, but I think a big chunk of town will be coming online soon, it is their decision to make really

I would prefer not to have to GT someone to stall for time

ill wait for smarter people to come online before deciding, for me its a coin toss rn

Just gonna @Teleology @Tangeld @Ozzkozz @Napoleon

Also @Italy

Is the plan still to jail hja? Because couldnt tele wisp him

No idea


/vote Italy

TBH I think we’ve been giving Italy too much slack. We have asked him repeatedly to give us his reads and he has refused, yet we just let it slide by. I think it’s time to put some pressure on him.

Also yes, I can WoW H_Hja if you think that’s the best choice.

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
Italy 3/7 H_Hja, Cheeki, Teleology
Cheeki 3/7 Napoleon, :crown: SirDerpsAlot
JakeTheWolfie 2/7 Diggity69, Ozzkozz
:crown: SirDerpsAlot 1/7 JakeTheWolfie

I mean at this point hes demon or hunter and we gotta know which

/vote italy

Its cheeki or italy and cheeki has contributed more

Official Voting Counter

Accused Votes Count
Italy 4/7 H_Hja, Cheeki, Teleology, SogMan
Cheeki 3/7 Napoleon, :crown: SirDerpsAlot
JakeTheWolfie 2/7 Diggity69, Ozzkozz
:crown: SirDerpsAlot 1/7 JakeTheWolfie

I find it weird that hja wanted to king italy, did they give a reason for that?

She was reading him as town. Some other people were as well, but I didn’t get why

should I up italy? or let him give a defense?

Im not confident he will appear before time

I think it’s safe to put him at L-1 in an hour or two, but we really do need to lynch scum today and I don’t think everyone will be able to change their votes in time, and at this point Italy will likely get lynched unless he claims Prince
