[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

2 hours remain.

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oh wait a moment hja voted italy. thats a strange change of heart from wanting to king him

Also can everyone claim Who voted Who on king election

Yes I agree. Byt i would like to do it in a certain order

Sog who did you vote for King election

ill just be honest here, i missed voting

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yeah i did too, forgot to cast my vote

i’m back

you’re confirmed scum Italy, what do you have to say for yourself?

You are at L-1

I can hammer you right now

Why arent you scum?

How am I ‘confirmed’ scum?

Naps PoE nailed you buddy

Defend yourself or get hammered

The hell’s a PoE?

process of elimination

Process of Elimination.

Do you wanna get hammered now?

You want to know what I think?