[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Yeah, and if that thing we talked about this morning is true, then Nappy might have something for us depending on what he did.

I’m guessing she just didn’t attack in order to frame the person in jail

Were you healed btw?

For those of you who aren’t privy to Mystic chat or jail chat, Ozz floated the idea that Italy was Fool. Though unlikely, it could be the case, and if that were the case, a Fool knowing that Tele was checking Hja may have used Deceive. So I want to know if Nappy was on that to see any visits around them; Deceive also messes with visits, but it’s easier to spot incongruities that way.

Deceive wouldn’t show as neutral though right?

And I’m not told if I was healed; That’s another thing about FoL feedback.

Deceive (Night) - Choose a class and whom target player visits and is visited by. Investigators visiting target player will receive results corresponding with your choices. Resolves after frames/tailors. Can target self. - Infinite Uses

And since Italy was lynched, they’d be able to use Deceive two times after their death as Fool.

Oh I see. So if Italy was Fool then he could’ve made H_Hja appear as NK and then she would be checked as Neut that way

Yes, but visits would be more likely to be off, which is another reason that I wanted both you and Nappy to be checking Hja. Two simultaneous Invest checks would make it a lot harder to work around any accusation, and easier to spot any tampering.

jail exe tele and lynch me easy

I’m just giving what my result was last night. If Italy was Fool the WoW could’ve been tampered with

yea no I am not buying that

That’s presuming that Tele is straight up lying about the Wisp. Deceive means that both of you could be BD here, and we’re just getting played for fools.

If I was NK how does this play benefit me

Im noble, hja wasnt investigated

well that was resolved faster than I thought



Tangeld, I mentioned a theory last night on something that is happening in chat right now. I hope you picked up on that.