[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Actually, holy crap, that’s a fair point. Would have been much easier for Derps to keep King alive when they had the ability to keep themselves alive as well.

We are following Plan 2

What is Plan 2 again?

so we pard and up derps?

I’m at work and don’t have your plan tabbed open on this computer. What is plan 2 again and how is it different from what @Tangeld just suggested?

Plan 2, as requested.

I know it’s not possible, but it would be so funny if @Napoleon was somehow a Cult convert or the NK

/vote Pardon

I am in favor of that plan. Let’s lynch Derp before he pulls stuff like this again. Not sentencing Tele to death will be his death sentence.


Official Voting Counter

Vote Votes Count
Pardon 4/6 SogMan, Napoleon, KyoDaz, Cheeki
Execute 3/6 :crown: SirDerpsAlot, Teleology, Ozzkozz
1 Like

I’m honestly so bored

I made a mistake, if no deaths besides the bleeds than its 8 ppl alive… Shouldnt make a difference tho

I like your plan, @Napoleon, but I do think that someone should get HH’d tonight in addition to the following night.

/vote pardon

Tele would be getting HH’d tonight under Plan 2.

Tele is getting HHed tonight

@Diggity69 read up on plan 2 if you haven’t already

Yeah that isn’t gonna do anything except bore me to death

@Tangeld and @Napoleon,
I have no idea how I missed that lol. Thanks.

If Im cult, then Italy is fool. This means that Cheeki is CL and I lied about him visiting none, though Cheeki is unlikely to be CL anyways