[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

If we follow my plan, we can’t lose.

I wouldn’t consider lynching you if you didnt get King, but you did.

If cheeki isn’t nk, jail ozz, then lynch him

Lynching hja/tele gives us more people to occ/jail in the case they aren’t nk

tonight is the knight where NK can bypass most things, Do you want to risk him getting 2-3 kills if we dont end up HHing nk

killing me right now is a waste of a lynch, when we could instead lynch someone who is sus (hja in imo but if yall really want to tele) And we can hh/jail etc more people, protecting my target, leaving me a reason to side bd.


11 players.

2 die to bleed.
We execute 1 today and execute 1 tonight.

7 players. If Ozz is NK we risk a loss, as NK will attack Cheeki for a double kill, though you might protect Digg. I think you would, but there is the chance that you wont and will try and win as Coward King. Wait, but King doesnt have double vote for more than 5 players.


we are still in GT

Derp, even if he wanted to, can’t mess up our victory. New plan.

Execute this, jail Tele and execute. Drunk HH Cheeki.

If Sog lives, we kill him. If game continues… if there were kills, then HH Ozz, otherwise HH Cheeki again.

Sog’s flip should be irrelevant here. Do the same thing if Sog dies anyways.

thank you that has been what iv been trying to point out for the past few hours

also you didnt vote guildy on Hja not sure if that was intended or not, we need to wait for tan to change jail targets tho


I won’t be avaliable for a while now but I suppose we’ll be following through with Napoleon’s plan.

Good night everyone.


hey, @Tangeld you able to come over real quick?

So what’s the plan here? I see “jail Tele”, then “jail Hja”, then “jail Tele” again.

Were lynching Hja, jail tele

Easy enough, turns out I already had my jail on Tele.

Oh, Nice

Execute it or no?