[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Hopefully they learn, if the drunk gets changed, that King is hella important N1 hes either guarding or SFing. Most likely SFing to try and stop a convert.

You were voted by all neutrals.

What was the VC for that

Uhm, I had it here anywhere… will have to search for it, you’ll get it

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Also sorry I got ya killed Hja <3

It’s not that it’s hard to remember interactions

It’s the fact that it takes so long to list them that it’s exuhasting

Oh I just woke up. Well sorry. GG everyone. Ozz, I’m gonna apologize to you because I did mess up one thing, I changed my day abilitiy D3 from Carnage to Detect Thoughts because I was getting annoyed that they were changing the plan so much and I expected to survive the night because of it. So I do feel like I left you in the dark a bit. I was making a plan that involved us being able to win. It relied on Tan jailing BD, executing the BD, me getting the mislynch on H_Hja, Tan not being able to exe me because of the misexe, and me using Carnage so you could kill people and hopefully having Merc King side with us. But I legitimately didn’t think H_Hja was going to lynched at one point and I sort of gave up, so I apologize. And… I told Tan to execute her prisoner in jail because it was 50/50 of being NK or BD, and I figured that if she jailed the NK, we lost anyway (which, I was right eh). I wanted to be evil and it was pretty fun. I wasn’t lying about being more emotional D3 in comparison to other days, but I was being more obvious because I was getting tired and frustrated. Well… mainly I started getting that way at the end of D2. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who don’t make an effort. Especially when their teammates depend on them. That being said, I’m going to be honest and say that I don’t appreciate Italy’s refusal to attempt at scum reading or attempting to form a claim at all. It’s just an integrity thing. I am the type of person to always fight until the end, even if I have no chance of winning, because I’ve won games like that before (: . So, not to pick on him in particular, but I advise that everyone tries at the very least. Anyway, this game was fun, but also a rough one for me just because of the circumstances. I thought there was a lot of confirmed BD that rolled, but at least no healers did. I tried to buy Ozz at least a day and a night by my play because I figured he was gonna be executed D3 otherwise, but yeah. Ozz, I commend you for your effort and you were a great non-group scum partner. Your maid claim was played off really well, you did a good job. Keep playing mate. Tan and Nappy — you guys were awesome newbies. Napoleon I would recommend one thing for you. Be careful about giving scum ideas that they can leach off of. You’ve defended me in this game more than once, and you gave me the idea to say that Sog was NE because I honestly had no clue how I was gonna get out of the fact that he didn’t confirm me in gossip. Tan, one thing I found ironic was that you said I was suspicious for me to tell you to “just exe” your jail target even though BD would’ve won the game if you did N3. And I knew that was the case when you said it. Sog, I would say to be more confident in yourself. When you saw that I didn’t visit H_Hja, you should definitely call me out for my shit and be a bit more adamant about lynching me over her. Overall, I had fun regardless. Thanks for a great game, and I hope to continue to get better and better.

I will ask you all, was there anything more I could’ve done? I am open to criticism.

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incredible job all. I’ll post a more in-depth thoughts when my brain isn’t fried

I was so surprised when I convinced people to exe Hja, After sog saying Tele didn’t actually investigate them lol

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:eyes: Remember this on D1 boys?

Also on D1, a thought of mine:

I really hope Kyo is scum because if he’s town he’s the smartest town here and I am afraid of him < Because he called that I was Neutral D1 and I was freaked the hell out. But it was just a misinterpretation of what I said, I realized. I still think he made really good scum reads for a newbie. Good work.


Why did you do that anyway? It was kinda working for me because I was NE and I wanted to use the “I’m probably Merc’s contract” card

for fun

If I thought it through I would have claimd you were actually my contract :frowning:

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I appreciate it. If it came down to late game, and there were 3 BD and 3 Neuts, would you side with neuts or BD?

neuts because bd’s first reaction was kill me

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I should have pushed for cheeki to be jail exed

Yeah, I thought I could use that card. I never voted you for trial and I voted you for King

aw now why would you do that?

to give neuts a chance!

for shame, for shame lol