[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

That was obviously before Jake claimed Mystic ^^

I know I was the NK and Cult were other people and also dead, but I was still scumreading Cheeki so hard.

We had a little mod-fail btw. In this particular game it didn’t matter, but eh…

When you run a game with the new Mystic, pay attention that you first remove the conduit partners and then add the Mystic, because otherwise you are hardconfirming the Mystic as the person who initialized the Conduit.

I have a few notes:

  • @Tangeld, you were the first player to suggest it was a Demon game. Good deduction. You were just off a bit on who was actually attacked N1
  • @Napoleon, great leadership skills. I know part of it was being Observer, but you were a great player that everyone could rely without sweating bricks. If somehow you had been converted and were the last cult left, you could have wreaked havoc.
  • @Teleology, don’t apologize. You did a great job!

Last night was weird because I knew I couldn’t attack anyone without getting found out, so I figured if Napoleon was following me, I’d have to attack SogMan to make it look like I Matchmade them. I wonder how things would have played out if Cheeki actually got HH’d. If everyone took part in the plan I bet Cheeki would have been executed today, but SogMan should have Bountied them, so there would have been another vote right after which I probably would have died if I didn’t have any amazing speech prepared.

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You could have used Haemophilia and killed two people. Then you would have been at 5 players… which means that you could have voted someone out together with the Plutocratic King.
Also Carnage would have been helpful in that case I guess ^^

Yeah, I messed up by not using Carnage

King would have votes reduced to 1

At 5 players I thought king would still have 2 votes, I thought below 5 players he gets 1 vote

Oh right

Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection.

It’s “more than 5”

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With 6, if we voted vast enough, its possible

Ah, guess it wouldn’t have mattered then. The only way we won is if I used Carnage, Ozz killed two people (attacking Cheeki), and I survived the jail

Majority is 4 with 6 players.

I can be convincing!

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We can pretend I didnt forget how to do math for a second their

You’re right about me killing two people, but it really mattered WHAT two people.

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Yeah >.> the Drunk could have HH’d you next night, and the Archer could have shot you.

He kills the archer and who they target, we get dig lynched the next day when I claim I lied about my target!

But because we had two AFK players at the end, there was no possible way for me to get two kills unless I used Haemophilia and Funeral Pyre on SirDerpsAlot. I didn’t want them to die though because I thought I had a higher chance of winning with Derps.

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Not using their abilities was in fact good in a game with a known Demon O_o

For my sanity and morale, I’m going to assume they were AFK because they weren’t very active in the last 72 hours :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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