[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Hey Dig, it’s very suspicious that that is your only post. :upside_down_face:

What is this mean?

not aligment indicative

judging how suspicious someone is by the quality of their jokes and memes. Truly, you must be town.

only town has quality memes


So you are townreading them then? :thinking:

I’ll start bottom to top. Unless the reads conflict/affect one another.


He’s just sheeping reads. I believe his plan is to push on Italy, have them hung and use Tangeld as a scapegoat. Which in turns means that Tangeld and Italy are town. Which is why there is a townread on Italy. I don’t think the push would have progressed on Italy like this were they scum. He’s just repeating what other people are saying. Furthermore the point on ‘Assassin maybe?’ is an indication “Town look over here and focus your attention on Italy, wasting time and NOT on me”

I feel very confident on this read and he’s going to be the person who I want lynched today.


Napoleon certainly is doing well here; however

He’s agreeing with the person who he’s supposed to be getting reads from. Shouldn’t he be further questioning them? His reads are quite truthful however he’s being aggressive starting and then taking a passive approach which leads me to believe he’s possibly Neutral Killer or someone who would prefer the game to end quickly but also has a plan of action should something go wrong. Like a Lich. Or Mastermind with Lurking Presence.


Marshal is being very passive here. He’s also trying to alert town (I couldn’t find the post) but he linked Black Flag to try and let town read him for his town meta. It’s basically screaming to me “I’m town but I don’t want to focus on anyone so they won’t kill me!”.

I’m pretty confident on this one. I don’t think he’s scum or town. But I also don’t think he’s Neutral Killer.


The reason I think Italy is town is quite simple; the interactions with other players. My reasoning against SirDerps was that he was trying to focus down a town and scapegoat one down as well. That is one reason why I think Italy is town.

I think we shouldn’t divert our attention towards Italy when that is what scum wants us to do. I’d like other people to take into consideration SirDerpsAlot’s lines.


Not scum, town, or NK.

that leaves ~10 classes.

Which neutral would I be in this scenario

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Hi I’m Jake, but you can call me Jakethony.
I’ve played so few FoL games that I’m still considered a Newb :upside_down_face:.

Hey everyone,

Sorry for not being all that active yet. It’s a holiday here and I have a bit of work to do, so my attention may be limited until later tonight/tomorrow morning.

My reads are below, but I’m going to note that these were made hastily and I may have missed some details from your posts. Also, I’m not going to make any Null reads for this post as I’m hoping scum reads will force players to contribute more. I mean no offense to you personally with my characterizations/reads.

Read: Town
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Active poster. Contributed reads. Explained gameplay mechanics. Added to the Italy-scumread discussion without discrediting it and moving the spotlight on to someone else to further discussion and reads.

Read: Town
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Active poster. Contributed reads. Added to Italy-scumread discussion. Getting defensive with some gameplay logic.

Read: Scum
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Active poster. Contributed reads. Encouraged any discussion and reads. Encouraging Neut claims.

Read: Town
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Active poster. Contributed reads. Accelerated discussions and helped further reads. Seeked information on players that have provided limited information.

Read: Scum
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Not very active. Contributed reads. Added no useful information to gameplay and actively asked other players to summarize discussion.

Read: Scum
Notes: Inactive

Read: Scum
Notes: Inactive

Read: Scum
Notes: Inactive

Read: Town
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Active poster. Contributed reads. Explained gameplay mechanics. Wanted to focus on Italy-scumread. Actively seeking new information.

Read: Scum
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Somewhat active. Contributed reads. Asked a lot of unnecessary questions and hasn’t really worked to enhance or further discussion.

Read: Scum
Notes: Inactive

Read: Scum
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Not very active. Has not contributed reads. Has added no helpful information. Has made it well-known that they are posting enough to seem active.

Read: Scum
Notes: Claims Knight. Overly aggressive. Has not contributed reads. Has added no helpful information. Acting brawn. I give credit to Solic for trying to force claims/reads/information.

Read: Town
Notes: Hasn’t claimed. Somewhat active. Contributed reads. Highlighted details they thought were important from Italy-scumread discussion. Hasn’t tried targetting other players from information.

Read: Scum
Notes: King. Active poster. Contributed reads. Added lightly to discussion, but mostly makes fluff-posts. In my opinion they should be trying to lead more.


Mercenary for me seems the most probable at this stage.
You don’t seem to be scumsided however have a fear of evils. I was thinking Alchemist at first but you don’t give off that impression. You seem like a class that could hurt evils a lot.

LOL at @JakeTheWolfie the posting his first post right before I made my reads :man_facepalming:

Not everyone who isn’t town is scum. That’s what ‘null’ is for.

At least you put scum in Green. Green is good.

Also you have 10 Scum. I guess the town is screwed.

I am a class that could hurt evils a lot but I am not a neutral

I won’t comment on that reply as that could be you mindgaming evils.

It’s not my first post.

These are

christ i never realised that this was such a faux pas. i always thought if BD knows neut claims we can deduce more, but i guess i understand why it would be a scum tactic. not familiar with that though.

Ah, so you’re a town sided Mastermind. Exellent.