[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Being “mean” towards you doesn’t make anyone scum. Why would it?

I do want to look more into Cheeki. Cheeki, you still havent answered my question. When you assumed Italy was Assassin/CL/NK, why didn’t him being MM come to mind?

Bad, unjustified read but read whatever you want

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I apologize if I caused this

I never said to not scumread him just dont beleive the knight claim

Don’t worry, @DatBird. You’re fine. You make the game enjoyable.

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Ozz, I need to know why you initially read Solic as scum in the first place in more detail. Being blunt doesn’t really cut it.

Well when i proposed italy being assa/CL/NK, i retracted nk and added neutral after because i felt the reasoning behind him being non-DI was fair. He did seem genuinely worried about being CS’ed.

I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t mean to be a ball of negativitely there. I like this game and I’m having fun. I was just getting a little stressed out replying to @Cheeki’s non-informative posts

Currently my top two scum/ town are
Cheeki/Ozz for scum
Cheeki because of wanting neut claims, Ozz is my number one atm, asking Italy to claim (said it was sarcastic, not sure I believe that though)

Solic/Tele are my top for town
The both of them seem to want information and are both being helpful, I havent seen much if anything to point twords scum for either of them imo

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So why the first post…?

can you please give something else beside this parroted trope at this point?
its the only point you have raised against me

I get the development in your views, but I’m asking for your thought process when you initially saw Italy as Assa/CL/NK. I dont care about what you think now, I care about what you thought back then.

So I ask again, why wasn’t MM included in this?

Plus I was the one who pushed that lol

I said, because of Marshals and Tangelds reading that he wasn’t DI, it was said before i posted that, sorry if i worded it confusingly

Marshal, you talked a lot about neutrals at the beginning. Do you wanna explain that?

Because I was asked what game I thought it was. And it came to mind that Hey, solic did claim D1. Why would town do that?

I don’t think Datbird is Good King because of this line. Even if Solic is not Knight right now he’s most likely BD and if he’s scum he’s getting us reads which isn’t exactly helping his faction.
What purpose did you have for giving the read that Solic is not Knight?

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@Napoleon I read @Solic as scum because I keep reading it as a yolo-assassin play

Litterally does anyone read what I say… guess not

I first had a question about if neuts claim d1 or not. it was answered.
I then asked why Kyo neutread me. it was answered.

Anything else in particualr about neutrals that you question