[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Well, prior to the handout of classes, I told Tele and Tan that I would kill one of them N1. None of them mentioned anything of the sort yet.

N1 hasn’t happened yet you goofball

Oh then I’ll just CS you this night. :man_shrugging:

That would solve us both.

Wait no-

No Day 1 lynch not even with Grand Trial, if only people liked the EFOL changes I know I did

So give me another answer, because I’m not down with me being your biggest scumread.

If you can’t do that, who is my buddy?

Italy, on the other hand, has also mentioned about how he doesn’t want to make a meme because he doesn’t want a sword in his back. I’m not gonna rush to conclusions, but if he fears a sword, he probably can’t protect himself.

oh hi

no booli italy

No worries, we’ll vote for whoever I’ll CS.

Deal? :smile:

Except I specifically referenced that… Not sure how you missed it, personally.

Welcome! What do you think of the discussion so far?

Hello, can i get super sleuth Hja this game


Hja, any thoughts?

Tan, why are you scum?

slight town on sol

Ahhhh the best question in all of scumhunting.

That was eery. Good look for Teleology.

Saw that, King…

Missed the screencap by about half a second.

Hello, I am here