[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

No other neut interacts with another player day 1 as of my knowledge

I just like tele, thats why im letting them decide :stuck_out_tongue:

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Where have they suggested a D1 interaction?

since you have basically hardclaimed neut, tell us what you are or your game will be cut short

Why would tele know their role?

tele dosent, its their decision if I claim or not

No u said and I quote

worded that bad

And you shouldn’t claim unless you’re a neutral.

Since you’ve already claimed Neut I assume you’re a benevolent one. I suppose you should just claim what neut you are

Well What, welcome to the party.

what is with this random buddying, kind of weird

Yes I am neut, also do mercs contracts people know their with a merc?

Tele did u receive a contract?

Oh hooray. :roll_eyes:

Ask mechanical questions in classcard.

Lmao so you are a Merc, Derp.

Not from my knowledge. I wouldn’t decline one though (:

Do NOT out your contracts.

You’re just painting a conversion target on their back jesus.