[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

hey solic do u beleive ur contracted?

Yes, 99%.

now would a neut whos about to die, really reveal who his contracts are, if he wants them to live?


I’m still going to CS you atm, sooo uhhhhh check in?

I think so.

It just saved said neut, so It wasn’t a bad play IMO

Would an unaware newbie do that? Yes.

Read how pure it came across.

saved him, hes still prince exe if we have no better option?

Makes sense as town if he gets converted he is very good position if he doesn’t he is still in good position

Imagine you CS what and they are BD and make merc instantly lose n1.
That would be kinda ironic.

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No, he’s not when you have made me convert immune, because they will literally be aligned to BD.

The ultimate neutsout revenge.

thats if ur BD

You trust DatBird?

Datbird always evil. :wink:

Yes or this plan wouldn’t even have sprung to my mind.

Which I am. :roll_eyes:

Prove it


well sell me on it, ok what would town Solic do that only town Solic would do

I think datbird is GK and I think this plan can work.

we risk a lot if dat is Unseen or of solic is starter evil

if it opened to say in the pudding, i would have died