[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!


Hello everyone, I’m Tele, I have been playing Throne of Lies for almost 2 years now and have over 1,000 hours playing it. I have also played ToS before I found ToL, and this is my second FM match ever.

Italy, what are your reads?

10 town points for whoever wants to compile all the bio’s in a megapost eventually. :wink:

I just understood that my access to meta reads got blocked

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Oh, the two line bio thing. I’m down.

Tangeld here, community guide brand new to forum matches and wanting to test myself.
I tend to play more cautiously if I don’t have a read, but as soon as I get one, I pursue it.

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You just gave evils the incentive to do that.

oh u know me, Ill do it :wink:

Which perspective(s) have changed?

Italy taking very long to reply… scumread intensifies

It might be a trap for them. :upside_down_face:

But simultaneously, I’m happy for whoever does that effort.

i have never played FoL in my life, I only know scum strats in ToL, everything has changed.

maybe he has a lot to say, lets wait and see


no booli italy

Italy is more scum-leaning now that I realized that he hasn’t made any attempts to gamesolve. I still stand by my statement that he’s not a death immune evil.

Ass. maybe?

alright i slight scumread italy now, you’re actively making an effort to not contribute d1

We could test that by CSing him N1. You’re… I think the fourth person to scumread him.

Make that five, Cheeki jumped in.

TBH, Italy might just be LHF. Give him a chance to make scum reads before automatically assuming he is scum. Remember that it’s his first FoL match and is an easy target for evils to push as a mislynch

Well as it stands my Cold Steel is still aimed at you, unless you convince me to point it at someone else. :thinking: