[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Sure. And can you say the same about anyone else? That’s a logical reasoning of mine for wanting to step.

Literally, what Derp says makes no sense. The only way for a protected Acolyte to die is from some type of visiting attack.

If Marshal is Prince, then Derp is a liar.

Someone could have occed me or an occ immune

Prevention stops all form of abilities and you would have told us already if you were prevented.


You know you are occupied when it says you are prevented.

SogMan would you consider yourself to be an important class?
I find it quite suspicious how Marshal refused to give the class OR name that he jailed. Screams ‘not prince’.


He couldn’t be prince, it’s mechanically impossible

So why come out now?

Anyways I gotta shower brb 15-20

I’m honestly fine with Tele being King but I want to know something.

Tele, if you were worried about people trusting Solic, why didnt you Wisp him instead? Flirting wouldnt have given you much.

I’d rather have kyo you or Itay

I figured if he flipped S/S he was fine and was only claiming Knight to make a play, if he flipped K/O then he could’ve been telling the truth about his Knight claim, and if he flipped S/I I would’ve been suspicious of him. My idea was to save my WoW for late game… I didn’t expect King (who I knew to be 100% GK from my perspective) to die so early

Then why would you soft Royal Blood so early as well? It doesn’t do anything unless a King election was to happen.
You can’t exactly be on D5 and go “Hey guys, I softed Royal Blood four days ago!”


it different than in tol, so i dont know

Because I didn’t soft the fact that I had Royal Blood, I softed my claim very faintly to the point where no one even knew that I softed except for myself. I was trying to provide hints toward my class so that people wouldn’t sus me. I was given my class and I have been my class D1 and onward.

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Like how I softed to you in particular because you accused me of being Neut when I am not, and was not hinting at that fact.

You know…I kinda want King so I can instant GT Tangeld.

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