[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

but you are lying we had another game where I was town and I had same activity :thinking:

I disagree why would not experienced player not be able to do that

I’m not lying. I do expect a vet to make more reads. I assumed that you were less active in FoL23 because you were already confirmed Hunter and didn’t need to make reads to be read as town

yes but we arent at point where I would be confirmed hunter in this game

I wasnt confirmed hunter day1 early day 2

Yeah I know, but I wasn’t really paying attention to your activity before then. It was my first game

wouldnt the first thought be when you thought that I was inactive this game compare my activity to last game

No, it wasn’t my first thought. I do think that situation was a bit different though because as Hunter you have the ability to day confirm yourself basically and you don’t need to make reads to confirm yourself as town like most other classes

how is hunter confirmable

main evil faction has bleed too

Confirmable in the sense that you have a day ability that makes you able to prove that it’s likely you are what you say you are without having to do much. And I mean that’s true, but in FoL I don’t think it would be that likely Assa/CL to Fake claim Hunter like they do in ToL

And that’s why reads are always good to make regardless. They further town’s progression

I dont see why they wouldnt since they can also bleed additionaly to that there is NK who can bleed
plus bleed claims can be faked

also is the only reason youre making reads is to make others think youre town?

youre dragging onto a fair thing tele said about a previous game to avoid actually having to contribute now

Because I expect FoL players to make better plays than that. That’s a stale one

why are you defending them in mid conversation?
that was not my point that was me pointing why I think their read is fake?

Making reads helps establish you as town as well as helping game solve. There’s two reasons you should do it. As scum it would be more difficult to Fake reads because you don’t actually want to forward town’s ability to win the game

so if theyre always more likely to be town wouldnt that make evils want to claim that more

TBF, I planned on checking you tonight and I wanted to get Jake or Diggity up for trial today