[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I’m fine with rescinding my scumread on Italy, but I want to see him contribute more. As it stands, he seems like he desperately wants to be left alone, which coupled with the aforementioned break of character strikes me as odd.


This is why Italy isn’t death immune. The fact that he wasn’t going to make this joke is because he feared the Knight CS. True, he would likely be outted as scum if he were to be CSed and not killed, but death immunity would have given him a sense of security that isn’t present in this statement.


Hey everyone. Ozzkozz here.

I’m excited to play my second game of FoL with you all. I’ve been playing ToL since shortly after launch. I’m an avid deduction game fan (ONUW, Avalon, Coup, etc). I found @DatBird as scum N1 my first game and still lost.


This threads going fast im gonna have a bad time reading up

I think that D1 Alch was actually the Warlock weren’t they? But TBH Alch and Merc work differently in FoL (Alch has to save 3 people, Merc has contracts) so I don’t think it’s a thing.

You keep them hidden until you’re at L-3/4. It depends on whether you think the wagon is scum fueled or town fueled, since scum can quickhammer if they’re off the wagon.

Rule of thumb newbies, NEVER claim. If you have a lead, you vote that person and you say you “scumread them” and you make up your reasons. Only out if you can’t get your redcheck lynched. Your claim is not your shield. Your claim is scum’s ticket to mechanically getting themselves the win.

Yet, I’m of course a Knight. :upside_down_face:


yes it was a warlock but the same sort of idea stands

The reason why I initially said I had a town-read on him was because it eliminated some evil classes I thought him unlikely to be. It was a poor read on my part, though.

I could see D1 claiming as alch here but merc probably not, becuase if you have to save scum it could end up with you getting exed, or a target for evils if you are protecting high value bd

Ooh quick thing any neuts in the house, its your one time to claim neut now or be forever hung later for not doing it now

CSing Italy would be very bad unless we are pretty sure he’s scum. He will probably die.

The thing is, you either come up with a name, or you get CS’ed tonight by me and your game will be over.

So maybe, you shouldn’t be so conservative. :wink:

-everyone: Dont claim

Dat: Hey guys claim pls

Yeah Alch is more BD sided in FoL, but I don’t think it would be safe to out since evils might want to kill you or work around you I would assume

Hey its only neuts I dont really care for them

for your own sake, post something worthwhile

hello yes I am neutral .

I am the succy bus and my type is killer

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Nah neutrals can claim, scum can claim too. :smile:

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I never forget Kai, never forget :eyes:

I don’t think there is anything more to talk about Italy though until he posts something else. In the meanwhile, I would like to make other observations. Tele, you are my next ISO.