[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I would say this if I were Knight to bait neuts into claiming so I could CS them, but no one would fall for it lmao

I mean, I marked Solic down as “playing townie but knows how to fake this”. D1 is the perfect time for scum to act like aggressive townies, but keeping him on the radar moving forward is going to be something we’re better off doing than not doing.

Yea sure, but still I’ll take protection.

I think if we can coax any neuts into claiming d1, more info for us = better

What does everyone else think about neuts claiming d1? I think it mostly only helps evils, knowing who is neut and who would side with them

Solic is having fun while pushing for reads and discussion. That’s the FoL dream. I like solic rn but I might be fooled by a really good vet

I agree, I think it’s safe to leave all vets in null so they don’t slip into town core and get trapped in there

what do you think about italy :thinking:

Actually, I might die at any moment from a failed CS though. I like to live dangerously, so maybe it would be wasted on me. :thinking:

I know, I know, who wouldnt.

Neuts claiming D1 is better for evils than for town, since evils benefit from their target pool being reduced more than town benefits from their suspect pool dropping. So the call for Neuts to claim D1 does seem odd to me, and I’m keeping that in mind moving forward, but I don’t think that by itself is enough to label Dat as scum.

Town core is a really stupid concept in a conversion game regardless.

Neuts claiming d1 really only helps evils because the neuts that would claim d1 probably help BD and the only reason that they do so in ToL is because BD is kill hungry.

and I don’t think a fake neut(aka mastermerc) would d1 claim anyways

Sorting still.

I don’t know why you think avoiding the spotlight is scummy, again, the more vocal you are and the more you lead the court, the more likely you are to get stabbed. It’s basic logic.

TBH I think claiming neut D1 is reverting back to how ToL is played where claims are the most important piece of information. We have to remember that FoL revolves more on the social aspects and behaviors of Mafia games. So I just think that D1 neut claims (or D1 claims in general) have no place in FoL. Do you agree?

Yeah, The only reason I claimed d1 last game was because I almost certainly would have been lynched d2 if I had not claimed

@Solic does this come from town or scum

Italy, you know full well that active BD reads will have protectives on them, so I don’t know why you’re so petrified of being targeted N1.

So can you answer this

Its real important