[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Let’s think this through. If Italy is Fool, then Diggity is basically confirmed not Warlock unless Derps is scum (and given the D1 Neut claim, he’d have to be starting scum). So Diggity is correct about his N2, which means that Sog wasn’t debbed off of Hja, which means that you still didn’t investigate Hja.

Italy isnt fool

Unless Sog is evil neut and H_Hja is Demon

He knew you were convert immune. You were also bled

No No No. I think Italy was Fool and used Decieve on Hja last night to appear Demon.

italy can’t’ve been fool, how would they find tan conv immune

Why do you trust H_Hja?

we can let drunk HH sog this way I Cant survive shoot as NK

Deceive doesn’t tamper with Noble gossip, so that would still mean that no one actually investigated Hja.

So no one was on our N1 jailed person, eh?

I dont trust Hja. Never did

" Final Prank (Passive) - You may use Deceive 2 times after the day you get lynched."
Deceive (Night) - Choose a class and whom target player visits and is visited by. Investigators visiting target player will receive results corresponding with your choices. Resolves after frames/tailors. Can target self. - Infinite Uses

But… I redirected Kyo to the king… you liar…

What if cult didn’t convert N1, but converted someone last night?

Yes except everything Italy did or said makes sense from the viewpoint of a CL

We have a lot of conflicting ability claims ATM

TBH I think Napoleon is right here. Sog is neut and H_Hja is Demon. Sog is covering for her

That would be literally amazing seeing as both cult died

Italy was active during tans bled. They also knew tan was conv immune. They also bled tan, thinking them to be Prince

I’m an idiot