[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

What did you do tonight btw?

I haven’t been acting like Scorned all game, so I’m not sure why you think I would be Scorned now


sog will flip tommorow from my bleed wich will confirm me

This is why H_Hja claimed Hunter. She thinks she can confirm herself with bleeds even though she’s so clearly a Demon

no the point is if sog flips noble it confirms him and condemns you tele

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Well that’s fine then, I will be confirmed when H_Hja gets lynched

If you are lynched and you arent Demon, Tele is confirmed Scorned. Just jail exe Tele and town still enjoys their majority. Here’s what we should do.

Lynch Hja today. Jail Tele tonight. If game doesnt end then we axe Tele. Sog_man bounties Cheeki or Ozz (I prefer Cheeki). Kyo can mark Cheeki or Ozz. Drunk can HH one of those two. I can follow one of them.

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scorned can disguise as demon

Game won’t end if Tele is fake.

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lets do it other way around tho

I like your plan (:

/vote tele

wait she can flip me as NE

tbh i’d hang either, doesn’t bother me

But you bled someone.

If game doesnt end with your death, the road ends for Tele.

why not other way around

I’m not Scorned but ok. Y’all can check my ISOs