[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

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H_Hja 5/6 Teleology, KyoDaz, Cheeki, SogMan, Ozzkozz
Teleology 1/6 H_Hja

I don’t think you understand. I don’t get to matchmake N1, so I got to select a target using matchmake which doesn’t give any results. I know this is frusterating to understand, but apparently it’s how it’s set up. So because I visited Teleology Night 1 they are set up for me to actually matchmake someone. I was planning on doing it with H_Hja last night, but then we started talking about how they, I, and Italy were likely to be jail targets, so I was going to matchmake Tele with Cheeki, but obviously I got jailed, so I still haven’t been able to use it yet. Tonight I am planning on matchmaking Tele with Napoleon.

Also, because it’s a day ability and it looked like H_Hja could have gotten slammed I already have my Change Sheets for tonight on Solic and What.

Rumor off Tele. Tele is getting executed.

I do. Depending on the target I was going to suggest a usage of rumor. Tele is probably getting jail/exe’d.


I’d actually say to keep it on Tele and match with Cheeki. NK comes up comp with BD in FoL, but Royals would be incomp, so if Cheeki and Tele come up comp and Tele flips Princess, then you know exactly who the NK is. And if it comes up incomp, then you still know who NK is; it’d be Ozz.

We know already exactly Who NK is


Watch Sog be the fool who’s laughing from the background.

Hja, I’m planning this out for a worst-case, which would be both of you being BD and game not resolving by the time we hit D4.

Hell, you could rumor to a non-Royal claim and check Sog. Fool comes up incomp with everyone.

Scratch that, Sog dies to bleed.

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Sog is gonna be dead to bleed though

Ozz, here’s what you are gonna do. You are gonna rumor Cheeki here, and you will match him with Sog.

Well, the game should end before then, but Incase something weird happens, he would.

I mean if We are looking at worst case scenario right move would be To lynch king

I have him marked. We can night kill him.

To not Let BD majority lose Any soon

He can guard

Mark bypasses passive immunity, not guards.