[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

most comprehensive read you have posted so far

a lot of your posting just feels quite parroty and not a whole lot helpful has come out of it.
would like to hear your thoughts on others and myself

What people are you referring to?


Can you do this?

Like I said, nobody has tried to take the lead yet. Usually the person in the lead will try to steer BD on who to vote up and whatnot.

I agree with Cheeki on this one. Explain your reasoning for your reads please.

So ur worried about the person whos leading but cant pinpoint whos leading :thinking:

I have experience playing ToS and ToL. I can’t think of what to put in the second sentence.
Didn’t exactly get an A in writing.

Why would you tell What you think is a scumtell before letting anyone do it?

What was your motivation for signing up for this game? :thinking:

fun factoid, favorite role, maybe something funny like a meme

I just looked over the Efol and there weren’t logs but that was like a new thing it seems.
either way, my point about being able to deal with CS as death imm scum still stands

and even with logs, the DI scum(or their bud) could claim butler and say they occed them

Italy, you never replied to this accusation I made on you.

Wanted to try out FoL.

Why am I wrong?

i’ve been speaking my thoughts for the past 10 minutes.

So then you’d have two scum linked, because they’d actually have to explain why they would want to do that. Scum doesn’t just connect themselves like that on day two.

Plus Butler is a tough fakeclaim with poison king pressure and leaving marks on investigatives.

What is your impression so far of what playing it is like.

Everything I know has changed.

Yeah I’m not saying just butler particularly as a fakeclaim, but there are ways to get out of a knight cold steel shown in logs.

Especially d2