[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I never said you were scum because of scumreads. I said you were scum because of your deflection and misdirection without anything to back up anything you’ve ever said. I won’t be replying to you anymore and my vote is not changing unless we make a new game plan AS A GROUP.

Still, the NK can only be one of 5 people (including myself) and you’re the one I’ve been scum reading the most :confused:

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That doesnt mean I am guaranteed plan that I made guarantees BD victory

Can you unvote me for now

That doesnt make me scum

I truly believe that you’re the NK in my heart though and to be quite frank I am tired of this match. I just want to get it over with and at least with lynching you it will give us info

Youre literally saying that you’d rather lynch me than win

Today’s chat would be so much short if H_Hja didn’t break up their posts into 3 or 4 mini posts all at once.

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You’re more experienced with this game than I am and I don’t trust you to not manipulate the system

Like Why because you checked me as one? Even when in your theory there is NE that would have 100% frame me

Because I feel it in my gut. You’ve been intentionally diverting attention off of yourself all game with the “No u” conversations

So youre Legit saying that I was So bad as NK Thats I got caught day 2 for inactivity And now I am Going To do mega move And turn tables around as solo wolf

Wich conversations the one with solic Where I wanted him to answer My question?

Well you’ve made it this far. I honestly feel like it’s a last pitch attempt to not get executed today

I was like scumread day 1 actually And plan guaranteed BD win even if I am Nk

Good that you do Why wont you Go with plan that guarantees win?

NK doesn’t really play to win anyway, at this point you would be trying to play to get as far as you could

Why would I do that

Because giving up is basically throwing?