[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

because plan 2 can absolutely be brought to ruin by a single neut, if there is one

(if hja/tele arent axed)

Like I said. I belive Hja is nk, the GT was to show how strongly I belive this. Tele is not my contract, Dig is my contract.

I genuinely belive that Hja is the correct lynch today.

Why on earth would you waste everyones time and your gt, it doesnt matter which one of the 2 is lynched it would end the next day anyway in the worst case scenario

I belive hja is the nk, we can end the game right now if we get them

The game will end faster if everyone agrees on a lynch faster. Digg and Jake still have important votes to make, but they haven’t been here for a while.

It would end faster if we kill the nk on trial.

I don’t get why this would be pardoned, we could win right here, and even if we decide we wanna kill tele it’s faster to just end it here, and jail exe them, but the game will end if we make this exe so

Because it looks like you are protecting Tele. I’m sure if you were honest before and said that Tele was your target then people would have been more likely to side with you and exe Hja, but that’s not the case. You seem like you are hiding something and are possibly NK.

Okay look at it the way I’m seeing it. You all don’t seem to have any idea who is who and are just picking one. You think this is a waste of time, but I belive that this will save time because the game will end.

I want to say that NK King wouldn’t have used GT here because they would have just let us pick each other apart, but… then I remember that the first step of the plan was lynching King.

Which is part of the reason that I omitted that when King asked for a tl;dr on what had been discussed.

It depends on Sogs flip. If sog flips Noble, lynch Tele and prepare to HH hja again. If not, then do the opposite, lynch Hja and HH Tele

I do not think that you are NK, but everyone else wants to exe you to be sure. I would prefer to lynch Tele or Hja today instead of you, but not a single other person wants to do that. Our plan of lynching you and jailing Hja and HHing Tele is solid and there is almost no way it can backfire on us… it just takes a teeny bit longer.

If sog flips noble, tele is pretty much confirmed fake unless sof was redirected

The game would end right now if you killed Hja, If I was nk I would have just gone with exeing tele, why would I give a damn which one gets exed if I knew both of them were bd?

Whether you execute Hja or not shouldnt matter tbh

I mean, it would if they are NK. Or do you hae a different meaning of “shouldn’t matter”?

If Hja is NK, executing them in jail would end the game quicker. If not executed, they will die eventually