[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

gimme scum! I wanna be scum >:(

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Gimme neutral, I was never real neutral >.>

You were Neutral this game idk what you mean

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I think with Warlock in this situation I don’t think you could’ve done much more than you did. You put in excellent effort and you actually managed to pull it off.

The fact you weren’t crowned King was a shame as it could have given you a bit more to work with (though Spiteful King isn’t that powerful to begin with). Your step was amazing and I’m still surprised at how Derp managed to get the throne. Mark wouldn’t have done much as well considering we had no healers.

Furthermore Demon is probably the weakest NK if his presence is known. Tangeld’s theory was amazing and I congratulate Tangeld for it considering it was essentially correct. BD knowing Demon was a thing significantly harmed them as we just split up the visits accordingly.

RNG on BD’s part with no healers was quite terrible however Cult was wiped out quite quickly and therefore couldn’t capitilize on it AND we had confirmable people such as Drunk, Observer, Mystic and Observer confirming myself. Poss was out of the question again as Tangeld’s theory had high integrity.

Really I think the luck of the draw (Good King, confirmables ect.) and BD’s co-ordination (enhanced even more by Mystic) was really good and without Cult to help you I don’t think there was anything you could have done. You did very well considering your situation though! I applaud you Tele.



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no u

I worked SO HARD on a flavor for Teleology’s execution and what do you all do, NOT EXECUTE THEM! I’m not crying or anything.

Anyway, all jokes aside. Congratulations to the Blue Dragon, congratulations to @Ozzkozz for playing so well and lasting long.


LOL thats my doing as well

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Wow Wazza. Wishing my early death smh, shame on you.

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I appreciate it Kyo. I think you did really well too. As I said earlier, I was legit afraid of you being BD because I thought you played very smart early game

I was planning on asking to host the next one soon that or a EFOL 3.5, that I came up with

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how much money to choose my role :wink:

It’s called pray to RNGesus hes the only one who can help with that

My reads were all over the place honestly. I felt the need to get people marked or I’d be useless (which I was)
Here are my journals for people (some have very minor changes):

Journal #1

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 -
N2 -
N3 -
N4 -
N5 -

Im pretty sure my marks persist after death. It only disables passive death immunity and will not stop limited death immunity (such as Stoneskin) Im pretty sure. Take this into consideration.
Multishot used: Day X


Ozzkozz - Town - Confident
Napoleon - Neutral Killer - Confident
Marshal - Town/Neutral - Confident
Cheeki - Not on a team with Teleology
Teleology - Not on a team with Cheeki
SogMan - ISP
Diggity69 - ISP
JakeTheWolfie - Town/Neutral
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Evil - Very Confident
What - ISP
Italy - Town - Confident
Solic - Town - Very Confident
H_Hja - Town
:crown: DatBird - Good King - Confident

Journal #2

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 -
N2 -
N3 -
N4 -
N5 -

I’m pretty sure my marks persist after death. It only disables passive death immunity and will not stop limited death immunity (such as Stoneskin) I’m pretty sure. Take this into consideration.
Multishot used: Day X

The first alignment in the slash (ect. Town/Evil) is the most probable fmpov.

Ozzkozz - Town - Confident
Napoleon - Neutral Killer - Confident
Marshal - Town/Neutral - Confident
Cheeki - Not on a team with Teleology
Teleology - Not on a team with Cheeki
SogMan - ISP
Diggity69 - ISP
JakeTheWolfie - Town/Neutral
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Evil/Neutral Evil - Very Confident
What - ISP
Italy - Town - Confident
Solic - Town - Very Confident
H_Hja - Town
:crown: DatBird - Good King - Confident

Journal #3

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 - Bulls-eye Napoleon
N2 -
N3 -
N4 -
N5 -

I’m pretty sure my marks persist after death. It only disables passive death immunity and will not stop limited death immunity (such as Stoneskin) I’m pretty sure. Take this into consideration.
Multishot used: Day X

The first alignment in the slash (ect. Town/Evil) is the most probable fmpov.

Ozzkozz - Town - Confident
Napoleon - Neutral Killer - Confident
Marshal - Town/Neutral - Confident
Cheeki - Not on a team with Teleology
Teleology - Not on a team with Cheeki
SogMan - ISP
Diggity69 - ISP
JakeTheWolfie - Town/Neutral
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Evil/Neutral - Very Confident
What - ISP
Italy - Town - Confident
Solic - Town - Very Confident
H_Hja - Town
:crown: DatBird - Good King - Confident

Journal #4

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 - Bulls-eye Napoleon
N2 -
N3 -
N4 -
N5 -

I’m pretty sure my marks persist after death. It only disables passive death immunity and will not stop limited death immunity (such as Stoneskin) I’m pretty sure. Take this into consideration.
Multishot used: Day X

The first alignment in the slash (ect. Town/Evil) is the most probable fmpov.

Ozzkozz - Town - ConfidentTown
Napoleon - Neutral Killer - Confident
Marshal - Town/Neutral - Confident
Cheeki - Not on a team with TeleologyNeutral Killer?
Teleology - Not on a team with CheekiTown
SogMan - ISPTown
Diggity69 - ISPTown
JakeTheWolfie - Town/Neutral
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Evil/Neutral - Very ConfidentNeutral
What - ISP
Italy - Town - ConfidentTown
Solic - Town - Very Confident
H_Hja - Cult/Town
:crown: DatBird - Good King - Confident

Journal #5

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 - Bulls-eye Napoleon
N2 -
N3 -
N4 -
N5 -

I’m pretty sure my marks persist after death. It only disables passive death immunity and will not stop limited death immunity (such as Stoneskin) I’m pretty sure. Take this into consideration.
Multishot used: Day X

The first alignment in the slash (ect. Town/Evil) is the most probable fmpov.

Ozzkozz - Town
Napoleon - Town
Cheeki - Neutral Killer?Cult/Town
Teleology - Town
SogMan - Town
Diggity69 - Town
JakeTheWolfie - Town
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Neutral
Italy - Town
H_Hja - Cult/TownDemon

Journal #6

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 - Bulls-eye Napoleon
N2 - Bulls-eye Hja
N3 -
N4 -
N5 -

Im pretty sure my My marks persist after death. It only disables affect passivepermenant death immunity and will not stop limited death immunity (such as Stoneskin) Im pretty sureimmunity. Take this into considerationThat means bears, guards ect.
Multishot used: Day Xare not affected by the marks.

The first alignment in the slash (ect. Town/Evil) is the most probable fmpov.

Ozzkozz - Town
Napoleon - Town
Cheeki - Cult/Town
Teleology - Town
SogMan - Town
Diggity69 - Town
JakeTheWolfie - Town
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Neutral
Italy - Town
H_Hja - Demon

Journal #7

KyoDaz, Archer

N1 - Bulls-eye Napoleon
N2 - Bulls-eye Hja
N3 - Bulls-eye OzzKozz in accordance with Napoleons plan - linked with Diggity
N4 -
N5 -

My marks only affect permenant death immunity. That means bears, guards ect. are not affected by the marks.

The first alignment in the slash (ect. Town/Evil) is the most probable fmpov.

Ozzkozz - Town
Napoleon - Town
Cheeki - NKCult/Town
Teleology - NeutralTown
SogMan - Town
Diggity69 - Town
JakeTheWolfie - MysticTown
KyoDaz - Myself
Tangeld - Town
SirDerpsAlot - Neutral
Italy - Town
H_Hja - Demon

I’ve missed a journal somewhere but it’s probably a minor change.
I had all of the evil people marked town as confident on my first journal.


I like the fact that you were logging well. I was originally going to have ALL OF THIS in my freaking logs:

Time for my epic monologue. Yes, it was me all along… Tele the Warlock. If you’re reading this now, I am very enthused that we still maybe might possibly win? It means that I got lynched on trial D4 for being NK. My win is very situational as I am typing this on N2. My only chance of winning relies on NK and Merc King helping me out. Since I’ve likely already done my plan, I will tell you my thought process.

  1. N2 I needed to divert the healers off of Tan/Sog. I needed to Mind Control the person I thought was Physician to the King.
  2. I was conduited with Tan N2 and I needed to convince her to execute her jail target. If she jailed the NK I lost anyway, but if she jailed a BD, I needed her to kill them. If NK is out of jail they optimally kill Napoleon tonight. There are currently 11 people left. If Tan and NK kill a BD, 9 people will remain alive.
  3. D3 I had to push out H_Hja and WoW her as Neutral. I knew she was real Hunter based on my Detect Thoughts that I used D2. This will be my last opportunity to use Carnage without risking the possibility that it could go to waste. I need to say something on the lines of: “NK, trust me and kill Prince tonight.” After H_Hja is mislynched, there will be 8 people left.

4a. If I am jailed, NK attacks Prince tonight. Tan lost her executes so she can’t exe me in jail. Any healers that exist may or may not catch on to the fact that I used Carnage and they cannot heal Prince. My goal with the ambiguity was to make healers still try to go for Prince anyway and have Tan die to NK and Sog die to bleed. Optimally Tan and Sog both die, but there’s a chance NK doesn’t listen to me or healers save Sog. Optimally there will be 6 players left after this and I can hopefully convince Derp to side with the NK and I.

4b. If I am not jailed I attempt to debauch the Physician/Chrono to the King again, Preventing Tan and Sog from being healed. Tan cannot exe the NK in jail. There will be 6 players left. We can hopefully get Derp to side with us.

This is my only chance. My final play of the game. There are lots of things that can go wrong, but I must try. I don’t think any of you are going to be reading this except for the mods, but… enjoy my last attempt at winning this game as the poor little Neutral that I am. :upside_down_face:

^ I wrote those on N2

and then I deleted that and just changed it to:


Teleology - CLASS fool

N1 - deceive
N2 - hide

I’m Fool iditos :smiley:

Which is much better

Actually it was Prietess and Kape.

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Guide+ betrayal reee

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We have to get rid of people who are capable to take our places, reeeeeeeeee

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