[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I mean, I was only half lying. I had the class card for Princess copied and pasted into my notes on my phone, it actually would have taken me longer to search up the class card, but no one else really knows that. Everyone has access to the class cards and everything. It would be bad if I was real Princess and posted a screenshot of the class card I was given or something, but I don’t think it’s cheating or whatever since I was literally lying and anyone can lie about that. If it’s allowed to cross references with other games and stuff, I have no idea why you have a problem with it. Not trying is against the game’s spirit imo, and I tried, so… TBH I don’t like being singled out for being “against the game’s spirit” when I put in effort and tried my best to win and participate.

Something I do is copying the class card into my DM so I can easily look it up. Did that thing when I rolled EK.

That’s something I learned from you and did myself as I was EK.

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Stop copying my strats reeee.

Just because it is defensible as not actually ruining any game integrity (You could have photoshopped that screenshot), does not mean that that is a line of argumentation you should ever pursue. “You copy pasted an old Princess card!” or something like that is not how I would want a game to be decided and I think you wouldn’t either.

Also I didn’t call you out for gamethrowing. You definitely played hard and well in face of really bad odds even. I would have called out anyone that used this argumentation.

What Solic means is, it’s a bit similiar to the “ask the BD for his portrait” thingy. This kind of metagaming. Nothing terrible, but it’s a bit meh

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One thing that might be helpful would be if there was a clear definition somewhere of what constitutes angleshooting – I’ve never been totally sure what qualifies, and I think I know others in similar situations.

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Wouldn’t this be the same analogically to describing your portrait? I don’t really think that’s meta gaming when you’re the one providing it and not asking for it from others

good that I’m not the only person who doesn’t understand this “angleshooting” thingy

It’s like asking to define crime though. Nigh impossible.

General rule of thumb is if you think it might be angleshooting, ask your host, before making the post, because chances are it is.

That would be one long list

The host would have not have a problem with that in particular tho :thinking:

I don’t even know what angleshooting is so how am I supposed to know if I’m doing it or even think about asking if I’m doing it

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It’s slang for playing against the spirit of the game.

This. Exactly this. A rule which isn’t defined is not helping the players… I got about 8-10 warnings for angleshooting/stuff/whatever I never would have thought that they are punishable.

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Thats too vague

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I don’t think I was playing against the spirit of the game though. I was just trying to get a mislynch because it benefited my win condition

I’m pretty sure the definition of crime is the legal code. :upside_down_face:

TBH I am kind of hurt because that’s definitely not what I intended to do. I just didn’t know how else to defend myself


Yea and there is no volunteer on this site that is going to write up a legal code for fora game that is comprehensive thus far, so feel free to be the first and have it debated to dead.

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