[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

I might not have given terribly good reads, but I’ve laid out my logic (or at least attempted to do so) on all of them. I’m down for being factchecked because I want to learn the right way. So I’m actively encouraging people to post their train of thought for their reads. It lets the rest of us see where you’re coming from.

The fact that Tan doesn’t want to meme around makes me read her as town. She wants to get to the point and scum read to solve the game, I like it.

Yes the number posts in topic button when u click on someones name image

the fact that tan doesn’t want to fool around makes me read her as no fun :frowning:

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My problem, Tele, is that I don’t often play like this as scum. Getting BD to be active isn’t good for scum, so I can be a really easy read based on my attitude toward court.

Yet, you know this, and could be tricking us all

The cycle continues

You would think that, but sometimes Town can just implode in on themselfs

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About the only time I play like this in ToL is when I’m NK, because I want to be ahead of things then. Now, I know FoL is different, but I previously said that Italy was attempting to carryover ToL logic to this game, and I said that because I find myself doing the same thing simply out of habit.

found the NK, /s

The question becomes, do I go with that extreme of a WiFoM on the first day of my first game?

every time, wifom is ur friend

absolutely you do.

or do you?

And do I spell out the options when I could have just let myself be read as town?

I want you all to think critically because that’s my understanding of how FoL runs. You have to pick through what’s being said and determine from that, because mechanical leads are going to be more sparse. I think that’s how the BD ought to be playing here because that’s what’s ultimately going to benefit BD.

because some people might not know you play one way as town/scum. you are saying “I think i’m acting town, and these people should know this.” it’s not really an AI move but it is interesting

…Have I driven court to silence? This is the opposite of what I was going for.


Hey, I see Ozz has popped back in. Have you caught up with things, Ozz? Got any reads for us?

This is a good strat. Every game I’ve investigated Dat N1 he’s come up as Unseen to me.

Okay, Nappy’s been typing for some time now, and I’m dreading the prospect of reading the incoming wallpost regarding me as much as I’m anticipating seeing what Nappy has to say.