[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

What? No.

Italy isn’t claiming.

ok this comes off unbelievably scummy and ITALY DONT

But you are my highest Scumread

@Napoleon Like who, when I’m your only scumread that you don’t read as just neutral.

You claim first.

And why is that?

TBF I feel like effort is something that tends to be more town associative, or at least… it should be. The more effort someone puts into deducing the more likely they are to be town. It’s more difficult to Fake scum reads as group scum at least because you already know who the scum are and you have to push for townies to be read as scum.


We are not claiming. Massclaiming is bad.

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We HAVE TO stop any discussion of claiming D1.

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Just like everyone else said.


Italy dont do a d1 claim. thats a really bad Idea.

D1 reading itself is valuable, but often flawed. I don’t think anyone should d1 claim unless they are sure they will be desroyed for not doing so

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That’s a bit harsh and incorrect but u do u

Explain why the hell you said this when it was established that this was a terrible idea

I don’t think there is anything more we can get out of you ATM. I would like to look into my scum null-reads since we haven’t pressured them much. My list feels disorganized though. I think I was a little doubtful of Cheeki and Sogman and I put them in null.

That’s such an oddly phrased question. Why wouldn’t you just directly ask me who’s scum?

Why is claiming a bad idea? In ToL, getting lots of claims allows you to tell people to do certain things and such, meshing stuff together until you get a result.

massclaiming only helps scum here, doesnt help town basically at all

Cuz as seen by the past two fols games where I won as scum the mass claims made it an easy win

ToL is different from FoL. In ToL people rely on claims to determine whether you’re evil or not, in FoL we rely more on reads of behavior. If evils have claims they can better kill and convert people

going to check dat tonight