[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

… I know that. Townreading inactivity is not going to get them to do something. ^^

My mistake

I highly doubt they’d forceroll Unseen without telling us just because it’s a NFoL.

Well shit. Looks like we can’t deduct anything because everythi bg is subject to change. I guess I’ll just suicide now.

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All roles are power roles in FoL, so that large target thing is irrelevant largely and also I’m a veteran player, so I’d already be a target sigh.

Now disconnect the knight claim from your argument and give me an another reason please.


First off, Italy was not a universal scumread, some vocal members read him as newbtown. Pushing for any claim D1 is pure scum move to me.

This is just poorly thought out. There is a reason why we don’t push for claims D1like we would in TOL early, it hurts town immensely.

so you saw Italy claiming as completely necessary. I highly doubt that.

In my eyes at least, Ozz is hard scumlean right now

If u havent caught that it’s for pressure only I dont know when u will, it was a meme from the beginning but so many people read it wrong that Solic played with it. Dats helpful hint of the hour back to dinner

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Is the odds of unseen/cult anything like TOL where unseen is more common?

Also I don’t think they would do cult in this type of game, but I’m not sure really

Cheeki, I know we are backtracking here, but what was your initial reason for thinking Italy was Assa/CL/NK, but not MM or 2nd Cult in particular? @Cheeki

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Okay and what have you deduced thus far Jake? :roll_eyes:

I don’t think they would forceroll Unseen. I’m just pessimistic and I believe that when bad things can happen, they will.

murphy’s law is sometimes too damn true lol

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They’d remove Cult from the thread.

That’s what it was called!

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Well, I think that the king could potentially, if unlikely, a Devout King, signaling to their teammates that they are Devout, while making everyone else believe that they were memeing. While this is very unlikely, it’s not impossible.

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I think it’s angleshooting to read what hosts would and would not roll and also questions their integrity simultaneously, so I think that should stop.


BRB I have dinner. If you need me feel free to ping (:

I don’t think Birdo is so daring to do that in their opening post to be honest.