[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

nah, keeping neuts alive is a liability

Neuts out, last time I trusted a scorned he scar’ed me for life

think of it this way, you can still win while dead. You just have to be unusually lucky.

They won’t inevitably be converted because Derp didn’t reveal the people who were contracted. Even being Neuts Out in ToL, this seems a bit cruel.

last time I trusted a king they were evil

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Meh wasnt me, wasnt u who betrayed me. But the cut burns and so will urs. I cant help u anymore

i understand, i just like merc because hes the only neut ive ever enjoyed playing lmao

Why, their targets are prime conversion targets and I doubt that long term Sir isn’t going to slip them if it took this long to out his own class. Orrr they are just classically scum already.

Mercenary’s are anti town in FoL if they out, that’s just how it is. Neutsin people, get on board or prepare for a massive useless argument.

Oh yeah! I just wanted to give a non-flavour warning to the newbies.

You guys aren’t learning anything from this game, Solic will end up changing everything about FoL no matter what happens in this game and no matter what you learn, you’ll never use it.

If Italy was town, why would he say this? This feels like someone who is keeping a list of claims to use.

Cruel be damned, we’re here to play. If an Assassin/Cult Leader accidentally outs themselves, they should still face the lynch. I mean… :man_shrugging:


Nah I wont out my targets

Now I feel personally responsible and guilty for encouraging Derp to out themselves. Sorry Derp ):

we can’t take your word for it, you are going to die, it is what it is

its was more of a joke, tho i dont like cornering newbies into ruining the game for themselves. i didnt know merc was inherently anti town, and i dont think he did either

If it means anything from what I can tell I dont think either of them are starting evil

The reason he has said this is because he feels targeted. He’s scum that has enemies all around him rather than BD looking for allies.

He inserts honestly as an adverb here. This is because he’s saying 'Look, I’m lying but this time I am not lying and geniunely have no idea how to quote" (previous lies being that he’s scum and lying. Obviously.)

My gut tells me Italy is LHF

However I really want a reads list from them. like more than anything.

But at the same time Merc is confirmed not scum and in this game scum get majority very quickly. Last game they had majority D3 with no converts and only 1 mislynch… Do you really think we need to kill a Merc over potential scum in this type of game?