[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Either way, what did you think of my actual plan?

Wait, no, he did it to Tele because we thought Tele was a softclaim for Merc contract.

Only downside is the merc heard it.

Dat did it earlier. And then I pointed it out after that. and then we did this whole thing again

It would be hard to co-ordinate however if it was to succeed I suppose it could have been beneficial.

4/10. spending all that time to bait merc doesn’t really make sense when we could just jail exe that night

I definitely did the same test to Tele, and I did a different one to Sir Derps earlier. I didnt really do one to Solic, that I remember

We’d keep a day of voting, but the merc would lose his use of savior, and would lose nothing from it.

Yeah, I jumped to Solic because they were Derps’ other claim for a contract. But it wouldn’t have worked there, Solic would have known better.

Are u suggesting a what or Solic lynch due to merc, cause if so that not the way

hes saying he wanted to try baiting me into using my day ability

Italy’s suggestion was to start a vote on them so that Merc hit the day ability, then switch off to make them waste it.

yes but that opens up quickhammering.

and If i were merc, I would wait until hammer to use ability.

4/10 plan even if it could be pulled off without merc knowing

I was suggesting we all massvote on someone, but don’t actually put in enough votes to execute to trick derp into using savior without taking away our day of voting.

Points for ingenuity, Italy, but that’s not really something that could be coordinated well without Merc wising up to the scheme anyway.

I’m going to go to sleep now as it’s currently 03:24 here. I’ll await the flood of 1000 posts upon my awakening. Goodnight everyone! :sleeping_bed:

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It’s dangerous cause scum votes having 2-3. Plus Merc plus potential other neut, plus maybe nk jumping on, plus if u dont trust me my two votes. That’s a lot of votes to be careful of. Luckily the two from me wont be going around willy nilly

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Goodnight :wave:

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Sleep well

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The reason it says im writing is that I tend to just open my reply then agonize over what I should even be saying in the first place like do I just give scum reads that Im not even sure myself?

Well would the merc even activate savior? He still has 2 targets. Me and Solic, he only needs 1 to survive right? So he can play safe with the savior and juat bet the guy not being exed to live through the game.

PLUs massvoting without exing is highly at risk from overvoting via outside factors