[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!


They do? Cowardly King has like no classes listed for it so that was confusing to me

wait no he becomes cowardly king

" Failure (Passive) - If your target dies, you will become the Cowardly King retaining the same number of ability usages. Additionally, your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during a Grand Trial."
We can King him if we have no player who is 100% BD.

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@Diggity69 want to hear more out of you
give us something

I would rather King one of our townleans than a Cowardly King

I don’t know if you guys trust me, but I’ve outed that I am a class with RB and I can pull up something else from yesterday where I soft outed

Who did you rb last night?

Pretty sure tele meant royal blood.

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Oh. Mfw. I thought they meant roleblock haha.

Yeah I’m not a Butler, I have Royal Blood. I checked Solic last night because I was concerned about people auto assuming him as town :confused:

Are you claiming Princess?


mastermind confirmed


Yes, all Princesses are Masterminds. We know this.

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ok I am confused rn on night kills

Things happened. People died.

maybe an invoker stringed what into solic?

Possible. Or it’s ritualist that tornadoed.

nah rit doesnt have tp in this